Accessing the Software on UQAM servers

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 8 d'avril 2019 à 17:03 par Katja (Discuter | changes)
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Using software modules

The access to different software packages, installed on the servers of the ESCER centre, is easily managed by users via the "Lmod" environment ( It automatically adds/removes corresponding paths to your environment variables, thus removing the necessity to do it "by hand".

The following commands of the "Modules" environment are used most frequently:

Show all modules available on the system:

   user@server$ module avail

Show currently loaded modules:

   user@server$ module list

Load particular module:

   user@server$ module add  <modulename>
   user@server$ module load <modulename>

Unload particular module:

   user@server$ module rm <modulename>

PLEASE NOTE: To be completely sure you have unloaded a particular module it is best practice to logout of the system and re-login. That will guarantee the environment contains no references to a specific module.