Accessing the Software on UQAM servers
Using software modules
The access to different software packages, installed on the servers of the ESCER centre, is easily managed by users via the "Lmod" environment ( It automatically adds/removes corresponding paths to your environment variables, thus removing the necessity to do it "by hand".
The following commands of the "Modules" environment are used most frequently:
Show all modules available on the system:
user@server$ module avail
Show currently loaded modules:
user@server$ module list
Load particular module:
user@server$ module add <modulename> or user@server$ module load <modulename>
Unload particular module:
user@server$ module rm <modulename>
PLEASE NOTE: To be completely sure you have unloaded a particular module it is best practice to logout of the system and re-login. That will guarantee the environment contains no references to a specific module.