GEM 5.0 configs
- 1 Complete documentation
- 1.1 adv_cfgs Namelist
- 1.2 bubble_cfgs Namelist
- 1.3 dyn_kernel Namelist
- 1.4 ensembles Namelist
- 1.5 gem_cfgs Namelist
- 1.6 gem_cfgs Namelist
- 1.7 grdc Namelist
- 1.8 grid Namelist
- 1.9 mtn_cfgs Namelist
- 1.10 resources Namelist
- 1.11 step Namelist
- 1.12 theo_cfgs Namelist
- 1.13 dcmip Namelist
- 1.14 williamson Namelist
- 1.15 convection_cfgs Namelist
- 1.16 physics_cfgs Namelist
- 1.17 series Namelist
- 1.18 surface_cfgs Namelist
Complete documentation
adv_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
adv_bc_min_max_l |
switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) after Bermejo-Conde (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
.true. | logical |
adv_catmullrom_l |
switch:.T.: |
.false. | logical |
adv_ilmc_min_max_l | |||
adv_ilmc_sweep_max | |||
adv_pil_sub_e |
East boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
-1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_n |
North boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
-1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_s |
South boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
-1 | integer |
adv_pil_sub_w |
West boundary in GY for an embedded LAM (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
-1 | integer |
adv_rhst_mono_l |
switch:.T.:MONO(CLIPPING) of RHS |
.false. | logical |
adv_scaling |
Scaling for mass of tracer
1 | integer |
adv_slice_rebuild |
Type of rebuild in SLICE
(MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
2 | integer |
adv_slt_winds |
Use surface layer winds for advection of lowest thermodynamic level |
.false. | logical |
adv_verbose |
Activate conservation diagnostics if /=0 (MASS-CONSERVATION for Chemical Tracers) |
0 | integer |
bubble_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
bubble_dx | 10. | real | |
bubble_dz | 10. | real | |
bubble_ictr | -1 | integer | |
bubble_kctr | -1 | integer | |
bubble_ni | 101 | integer | |
bubble_nj | 1 | integer | |
bubble_nk | 100 | integer | |
bubble_rad | 25 | integer | |
bubble_theta | 303.16 | real |
dyn_kernel Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
dynamics_kernel_s |
Main selector for dynamical kernel
'DYNAMICS_FISL_P' | character(len=32) |
ensembles Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
ens_conf |
Switch to activate generation of Markov chains, use of SKEB and use of PTP |
.false. | logical |
ens_first_init_mc |
Switch to activate the first initialisation of Matkov chaines in PTP & SKEB |
.false. | logical |
ens_iau_mc |
Switch to activate the in PTP & SKEB |
.false. | logical |
ens_mc_seed |
Seed of the random number generator usually we put DAY and member number (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
-1 | integer |
ens_ptp_cape |
CAPE value in Kain-Fritsch scheme to stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_conf |
switch to activate PTP (perturb tendencies of physics) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
ens_ptp_crit_w |
vertical velocity value (m/s) above which we stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
100.0 | real |
ens_ptp_env_b |
bottom value of transition zone of vertical envelope in sigma for PTP (below that no perturbation) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
1.0 | real |
ens_ptp_env_u |
upper value of transition zone of vertical envelope in sigma for PTP (above that full perturbation) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
1.0 | real |
ens_ptp_fac_reduc |
factor of reduction of the perturbation the physical tendencies (in PTP) when convection occurs (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_l |
(ignored) Ens_ptp_l = Ens_ptp_trnh-Ens_ptp_trnl+1 (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0 | integer |
ens_ptp_lmax |
(ignored) Ens_ptp_lmax = maxval(Ens_ptp_l) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0 | integer |
ens_ptp_m |
(ignored) Ens_ptp_m = Ens_ptp_trnh+1 (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0 | integer |
ens_ptp_max |
maximum value of the 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_min |
minimum value of the 2D Markov chain (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_mmax |
(ignored) Ens_ptp_mmax = maxval(Ens_ptp_m) (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0 | integer |
ens_ptp_ncha |
number of 2d Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
1 | integer |
ens_ptp_nlat |
no. of latitudes for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
8 | integer |
ens_ptp_nlon |
no. of longitudes for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
16 | integer |
ens_ptp_std |
standard deviation value for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_str |
value of stretch for Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_tau |
decorrelation time (seconds) for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_tlc |
TLC value (convective precipitation) in Kuo (OLDKUO) scheme to stop perturbing the physical tendencies (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0.0 | real |
ens_ptp_trnh |
high wave number horizontal truncation limit for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
8 | integer |
ens_ptp_trnl |
low wave number horizontal truncation limit for 2D Markov chains (2D MARKOV CHAINES) |
1 | integer |
ens_skeb_alph |
coefficient Alpha for momentum in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_alpt |
coefficient Alpha for temperature in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_bfc |
coefficient for Gaussian filter used in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
1.0e-01 | real |
ens_skeb_conf |
Switch to activate SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
ens_skeb_dif |
switch to do SKEB calculation based on diffusion (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
ens_skeb_div |
switch to do the calculation of the divergence due to SKEB forcing (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
ens_skeb_gwd |
switch to do SKEB calculation based on gravity wave drag (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
ens_skeb_lam |
wavelength for Gaussian filter in SKEB (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
2.0e+05 | real |
ens_skeb_max |
maximum value of the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_min |
minimum value of the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_ncha |
1 | integer |
ens_skeb_nlat |
number of latitudes of the gaussian grid used for the 3D Markov chains (used in the SKEB calculation) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
8 | integer |
ens_skeb_nlon |
number of longitudes of the gaussian grid used for the 3D Markov chains (in the SKEB calculation) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
16 | integer |
ens_skeb_std |
std. dev. value for the 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_str |
value of stretch for 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_tau |
decorrelation time (seconds) for 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
0. | real |
ens_skeb_trnh |
high wave number truncation limit used in 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
8 | integer |
ens_skeb_trnl |
low wave number truncation limit used in 3D Markov chain (used by SKEB) (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
2 | integer |
ens_stat |
switch to print global stat related to Markov chains, SKEB and PTP (3D MARKOV CHAINES) |
.false. | logical |
gem_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
cstv_ba_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for hydrostatic |
0.6 | real*8 |
cstv_ba_m_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for the momentum equations |
0.6 | real*8 |
cstv_ba_nh_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for nonhydrostatic |
0.5 | real*8 |
cstv_psadj_8 |
Fraction of adjustment to be given to the ocean |
1.d0 | real*8 |
cstv_psref_8 |
another reference pressure |
1.d5 | real*8 |
cstv_re_8 |
Parameter controlling modified epsilon (Ver_epsi_8) [nonhydrostatic part] |
1.d0 | real*8 |
cstv_tstr_8 |
T* basic state temperature (K) |
240.0 | real*8 |
eq_ramp_l |
Latitudinal ramping of equatorial sponge |
.false. | logical |
eq_sponge |
Coefficients that multiply KM to simulate sponge layer near the top of the model. Warning! if this parameter is used, the EPONGE in the physics namelist should be removed. |
g_halox |
number of points for the halo on X |
4 | integer |
g_haloy |
number of points for the halo on Y |
4 | integer |
heap_nk |
Heap memory will be painted to NaN using an array wrk01(G_ni,G_nj,Heap_nk) |
-1 | integer |
hyb |
array of model levels , 0.0 < HYB < 1.0 |
hyb_rcoef |
pair of coefficients (min,max) to control the flattenning of the vertical coordinate |
hzd_div_damp |
Fraction of the maximum divergence damping - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr |
Background 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr_theta |
Theta 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0). |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr_tr |
Tracers 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_pwr |
Order of the background diffusion operator 2, 4, 6, 8 |
-1 | integer |
hzd_pwr_theta |
Order of the background diffusion operator on theta 2, 4, 6, 8 |
-1 | integer |
hzd_pwr_tr |
Order of the background diffusion operator on tracers |
-1 | integer |
hzd_smago_fric_heat |
Frictional heating is considered when Hzd_smago_fric_heat>0. |
0. | real |
hzd_smago_lev |
The levels (bot,top) in the hybrid coordinate where the background diffusion coefficient varies between the value defined by Hzd_smago_lnr(1) and Hzd_smago_lnr(2). |
hzd_smago_lnr |
Coefficient of background diffusion added to the coefficient computed using the Smagorinsky approach. The first element of the array determines the constant value of background diffusion coeff. below Hzd_smago_lev(1). The second element represents the value at Hzd_smago_lev(2). The third element determines the maximum coefficient at the model top. Two ramps of COS^2-type are used between Hzd_smago_lev(1) and Hzd_smago_lev (2), and between Hzd_smago_lev(2) and the model lid. |
hzd_smago_param |
Main Smagorinsky control parameter (usual range 0.1-0.3) |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_prandtl |
Apply Smago diffusion on theta using Hzd_smago_param/Hzd_smago_prandtl parameter |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_prandtl_hu |
Apply Smago diffusion on HU using Hzd_smago_param/Hzd_smago_prandtl_hu parameter |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_theta_base_l |
If TRUE then background diffusion is applied to THETA and HU. |
.true. | logical |
iau_cutoff |
Filter cutoff period for Iau_weight_S='sin' in hours |
6. | real |
iau_input_type_s |
'OLD' | character(len=16) |
iau_interval |
The number of seconds between increment fields |
-1. | real |
iau_ninblocx |
IAU Input PE blocking along npex |
1 | integer |
iau_ninblocy |
IAU Input PE blocking along npey |
1 | integer |
iau_period |
The number of seconds over which IAU will be will be run (typically the length of the assimilation window). Default < 0 means that no IAUs are applied. |
-1. | real |
iau_stats_l |
IAU Input Stats |
.false. | logical |
iau_tracers_s |
An optional list of tracers to be incremented. |
iau_weight_s |
The type of weighting function to be applied to the analysis increments:
'constant' | character(len=64) |
init_balgm_l |
true -> Digital filter initialization is performed |
.false. | logical |
init_dflength_s |
number of points for digital filter (equals the number of timesteps +1) |
'5p' | character(len=16) |
init_dfpl_s |
period limit of digital filter units D,H,M,S |
'6h' | character(len=16) |
init_dftr_l |
.false. | logical |
init_dfwin_l |
true -> Windowing is applied |
.true. | logical |
inp_blacklist_s |
List of variables to NOT process during input |
inp_npes |
Number of PEs to use for input |
1 | integer |
inp_vertintype_tracers_s |
Type of vertical interpolation scheme |
'cubic' | character(len=8) |
lam_0ptend_l |
True-> for blending to zero the physics tendency in blending area |
.true. | logical |
lam_blend_h |
Number of points for horizontal blending |
10 | integer |
lam_blend_t |
Number of levels for top blending |
0 | integer |
lam_blendoro_l |
True-> to blend the model topography with the pilot topography |
.true. | logical |
lam_ctebcs_l |
True-> to force constant (fixed) boundary conditions |
.false. | logical |
lam_gbpil_t |
Number of levels for top piloting |
-1 | integer |
lam_hint_s |
Type of horizontal interpolation to model grid
'CUB_LAG' | character(len=16) |
lam_toptt_l |
True-> The plane of the top temperature layer is completely overwritten from the 2D pilot data |
.false. | logical |
lctl_cktimeleft_l |
True->to check for time left in job |
.false. | logical |
lctl_debug_l |
True->to print more information to std output |
.false. | logical |
lctl_rxstat_s |
precision in print glbstats
'LCL_4' | character(len=6) |
out3_cliph_l |
True-> to clip humidity variables on output |
.false. | logical |
out3_close_interval_s |
Interval of output file name change |
' ' | character(len=16) |
out3_etik_s |
'etiket' used for output fields |
'GEMDM' | character(len=12) |
out3_ip3 |
Default value for IP3 is 0, -1 for IP3 to contain step number, >0 for given IP3 |
0 | integer |
out3_lieb_conv |
Precision criteria for the Liebman procedure |
0.1 | real |
out3_lieb_levels |
List of levels for underground extrapolation |
out3_lieb_maxite |
Maximum number of iterations for the Liebman procedure |
100 | integer |
out3_liebxch_iter |
number of iterations to exchange halo for the Liebman procedure |
4 | integer |
out3_linbot |
Number of layers close to the bottom of the model within which a linear interpolation of GZ will be performed |
0 | integer |
out3_nbitg |
Packing factor used for all variables except for those defined in Out_xnbits_s |
16 | integer |
out3_ndigits |
Minimum of digits used to represent output units |
3 | integer |
out3_npes |
Total number of PEs for output using MFV collector |
1 | integer |
out3_npex |
Total number of PEs along npex for output using MID collector |
-1 | integer |
out3_npey |
Total number of PEs along npey for output using MID collector |
-1 | integer |
out3_postproc_fact |
Sortie jobs lauched every Out3_postproc_fact*Out3_close_interval_S |
0 | integer |
out3_vinterp_type_s |
Vertical interpolation scheme for output |
'linear' | character(len=12) |
p_lmvd_high_lat |
Latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_high_lat |
30.0 | real |
p_lmvd_low_lat |
latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_low_lat |
5.0 | real |
p_lmvd_weigh_high_lat |
Multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_high_lat |
1.0 | real |
p_lmvd_weigh_low_lat |
Multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_low_lat |
1.0 | real |
perturb_nbits |
Number of bits to perturb on initial conditions |
0 | integer |
perturb_npts |
Stride for perturbation on initial conditions |
10 | integer |
schm_adcub_l |
.true. | logical |
schm_advec |
1 | integer |
schm_autobar_l |
True-> auto barotropic option |
.false. | logical |
schm_bcavg_l |
True-> averaging B and C in SLEVE scheme |
.true. | logical |
schm_bitpattern_l |
True-> Modify slightly code behaviour to ensure bitpattern reproduction in restart mode using FST file |
.false. | logical |
schm_capa_var_l |
True-> variable cappa in thermodynamic equation |
.false. | logical |
schm_cub_traj_l |
Use cubic interpolation in trajectory computation |
.true. | logical |
schm_dry_mixing_ratio_l |
True-> |
.false. | logical |
schm_eulmtn_l |
True-> Eulerian treatment of mountains in the continuity equation |
.false. | logical |
schm_hydro_l |
.false. | logical |
schm_hzdadw_l |
True-> horizontal diffusion of momentum at each CN iteration |
.false. | logical |
schm_itcn |
Number of iterations for Crank-Nicholson |
2 | integer |
schm_itnlh |
Number of iterations to solve non-linear Helmholtz problem |
2 | integer |
schm_itraj |
Number of iterations to compute trajectories |
3 | integer |
schm_nblendyy |
-1 | integer |
schm_phycpl_s |
Physics coupling strategy |
'split' | character(len=16) |
schm_psadj |
0 | integer |
schm_psadj_lam_l |
Confirmation to use psadjust with a LAM configuration |
.false. | logical |
schm_psadj_print_l |
True-> print dry/wet air masses |
.false. | logical |
schm_topo_l |
True-> to use topography |
.true. | logical |
schm_trapeze_l |
Use trapezoidal average for advection winds |
.true. | logical |
schm_wload_l |
Apply water loading in the calculations |
.false. | logical |
sol2d_precond_s |
2D preconditioner for iterative solver |
'JACOBI' | character(len=26) |
sol3d_krylov_s |
Krylov method for 3d iterative solver (FGMRES or FBICGSTAB) |
'FGMRES' | character(len=26) |
sol3d_precond_s |
3D preconditioner for iterative solver |
'JACOBI' | character(len=26) |
sol_fft_l |
.true. | logical |
sol_fgm_eps |
Epsilon convergence criteria for none Yin-Yang iterative solver |
1.d-07 | real*8 |
sol_fgm_maxits |
maximum number of iterations allowed for none Yin-Yang iterative solver |
200 | integer |
sol_im |
size of Krylov subspace in iterative solver - should not exceed 100 |
15 | integer |
sol_type_s |
Type of solver
'DIRECT' | character(len=26) |
sol_yyg_eps |
Epsilon convergence criteria for the Yin-Yang iterative solver |
1.d-04 | real*8 |
sol_yyg_maxits |
maximum number of iterations allowed for the Yin-Yang iterative solver |
40 | integer |
spn_cutoff_scale_large |
The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km) |
300. | real |
spn_cutoff_scale_small |
The filter will be set 1.0 for larger scales (in km) between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large, the filter will have a COS2 transition. |
100. | real |
spn_nudging_s |
Spectral nudging list of variables (eg. 'UVT' or 'UV') |
' ' | character(len=16) |
spn_relax_hours |
Nudging relaxation timescale (eg. 10 hours ) |
10. | real |
spn_start_lev |
Nudging profile lower end in hyb level (eg. 1.0 or 0.8) If use 0.8, the profile will be set zero when hyb > 0.8 |
1.0 | real |
spn_step |
Nudging interval in seconds (eg. 1800, means nudging is performed every every 30 minutes) |
21600 | integer |
spn_trans_shape_s |
Nudging profile transition shape('COS2' or 'LINEAR') Set the shape between Spn_start_lev and Spn_up_const_lev |
'LINEAR' | character(len=16) |
spn_up_const_lev |
Nudging profile upper end in hyb level (eg. 0.0 or 0.2) If use 0.2, the profile wll be set 1.0 when hyb < 0.2 |
0.0 | real |
spn_weight_l |
Nudging weight in temporal space (.true. or .false.). If the driving fields are available every 6 hours and Spn_step is set to 30 minutes then nudging will have more weight every six hours when the driving fields are available |
.false. | logical |
spn_wt_pwr |
The weight factor when Spn_weight_L=.true. (The weigh factor is COS2**(Spn_wt_pwr), Spn_wt_pwr could be set as 0, 2, 4, 6. If Spn_wt_pwr = 2, weight factor is COS2) |
2 | integer |
stat_liste |
list of variables to do blocstat. Any gmm variable name, or predefine lists :
' ' | character(len=32) |
tr3d_anydate_l |
True-> tracers validity time does not have to match analysis |
.false. | logical |
tr3d_default_s |
Override for default tracers attributes |
' ' | character(len=512) |
tr3d_list_s |
list of tracers to be read from analyse |
vspng_coeftop |
Top coefficient for del-2 diffusion (m2/s) |
-1. | real |
vspng_nk |
Number of levels from the top of the model |
0 | integer |
vspng_riley_l |
True-> Riley diffusion on vertical motion on Vspng_nk levels |
.false. | logical |
vtopo_length_s |
On which length of time to evolve topography |
character(len=16) | |
vtopo_start_s |
Time at which to start evolving topography toward target |
character(len=16) | |
zdot_divhlm_l |
True-> divergence high level modulation in initial computation of Zdot |
.false. | logical |
gem_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
cstv_ba_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for hydrostatic |
0.6 | real*8 |
cstv_ba_m_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for the momentum equations |
0.6 | real*8 |
cstv_ba_nh_8 |
SL off-centering parameter for nonhydrostatic |
0.5 | real*8 |
cstv_psadj_8 |
Fraction of adjustment to be given to the ocean |
1.d0 | real*8 |
cstv_psref_8 |
another reference pressure |
1.d5 | real*8 |
cstv_re_8 |
Parameter controlling modified epsilon (Ver_epsi_8) [nonhydrostatic part] |
1.d0 | real*8 |
cstv_tstr_8 |
T* basic state temperature (K) |
240.0 | real*8 |
eq_ramp_l |
Latitudinal ramping of equatorial sponge |
.false. | logical |
eq_sponge |
Coefficients that multiply KM to simulate sponge layer near the top of the model. Warning! if this parameter is used, the EPONGE in the physics namelist should be removed. |
g_halox |
number of points for the halo on X |
4 | integer |
g_haloy |
number of points for the halo on Y |
4 | integer |
heap_nk |
Heap memory will be painted to NaN using an array wrk01(G_ni,G_nj,Heap_nk) |
-1 | integer |
hyb |
array of model levels , 0.0 < HYB < 1.0 |
hyb_rcoef |
pair of coefficients (min,max) to control the flattenning of the vertical coordinate |
hzd_div_damp |
Fraction of the maximum divergence damping - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr |
Background 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr_theta |
Theta 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0). |
-1. | real |
hzd_lnr_tr |
Tracers 2 delta-x removal ratio - range(0.0-1.0) |
-1. | real |
hzd_pwr |
Order of the background diffusion operator 2, 4, 6, 8 |
-1 | integer |
hzd_pwr_theta |
Order of the background diffusion operator on theta 2, 4, 6, 8 |
-1 | integer |
hzd_pwr_tr |
Order of the background diffusion operator on tracers |
-1 | integer |
hzd_smago_fric_heat |
Frictional heating is considered when Hzd_smago_fric_heat>0. |
0. | real |
hzd_smago_lev |
The levels (bot,top) in the hybrid coordinate where the background diffusion coefficient varies between the value defined by Hzd_smago_lnr(1) and Hzd_smago_lnr(2). |
hzd_smago_lnr |
Coefficient of background diffusion added to the coefficient computed using the Smagorinsky approach. The first element of the array determines the constant value of background diffusion coeff. below Hzd_smago_lev(1). The second element represents the value at Hzd_smago_lev(2). The third element determines the maximum coefficient at the model top. Two ramps of COS^2-type are used between Hzd_smago_lev(1) and Hzd_smago_lev (2), and between Hzd_smago_lev(2) and the model lid. |
hzd_smago_param |
Main Smagorinsky control parameter (usual range 0.1-0.3) |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_prandtl |
Apply Smago diffusion on theta using Hzd_smago_param/Hzd_smago_prandtl parameter |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_prandtl_hu |
Apply Smago diffusion on HU using Hzd_smago_param/Hzd_smago_prandtl_hu parameter |
-1. | real |
hzd_smago_theta_base_l |
If TRUE then background diffusion is applied to THETA and HU. |
.true. | logical |
iau_cutoff |
Filter cutoff period for Iau_weight_S='sin' in hours |
6. | real |
iau_input_type_s |
'OLD' | character(len=16) |
iau_interval |
The number of seconds between increment fields |
-1. | real |
iau_ninblocx |
IAU Input PE blocking along npex |
1 | integer |
iau_ninblocy |
IAU Input PE blocking along npey |
1 | integer |
iau_period |
The number of seconds over which IAU will be will be run (typically the length of the assimilation window). Default < 0 means that no IAUs are applied. |
-1. | real |
iau_stats_l |
IAU Input Stats |
.false. | logical |
iau_tracers_s |
An optional list of tracers to be incremented. |
iau_weight_s |
The type of weighting function to be applied to the analysis increments:
'constant' | character(len=64) |
init_balgm_l |
true -> Digital filter initialization is performed |
.false. | logical |
init_dflength_s |
number of points for digital filter (equals the number of timesteps +1) |
'5p' | character(len=16) |
init_dfpl_s |
period limit of digital filter units D,H,M,S |
'6h' | character(len=16) |
init_dftr_l |
.false. | logical |
init_dfwin_l |
true -> Windowing is applied |
.true. | logical |
inp_blacklist_s |
List of variables to NOT process during input |
inp_npes |
Number of PEs to use for input |
1 | integer |
inp_vertintype_tracers_s |
Type of vertical interpolation scheme |
'cubic' | character(len=8) |
lam_0ptend_l |
True-> for blending to zero the physics tendency in blending area |
.true. | logical |
lam_blend_h |
Number of points for horizontal blending |
10 | integer |
lam_blend_t |
Number of levels for top blending |
0 | integer |
lam_blendoro_l |
True-> to blend the model topography with the pilot topography |
.true. | logical |
lam_ctebcs_l |
True-> to force constant (fixed) boundary conditions |
.false. | logical |
lam_gbpil_t |
Number of levels for top piloting |
-1 | integer |
lam_hint_s |
Type of horizontal interpolation to model grid
'CUB_LAG' | character(len=16) |
lam_toptt_l |
True-> The plane of the top temperature layer is completely overwritten from the 2D pilot data |
.false. | logical |
lctl_cktimeleft_l |
True->to check for time left in job |
.false. | logical |
lctl_debug_l |
True->to print more information to std output |
.false. | logical |
lctl_rxstat_s |
precision in print glbstats
'LCL_4' | character(len=6) |
out3_cliph_l |
True-> to clip humidity variables on output |
.false. | logical |
out3_close_interval_s |
Interval of output file name change |
' ' | character(len=16) |
out3_etik_s |
'etiket' used for output fields |
'GEMDM' | character(len=12) |
out3_ip3 |
Default value for IP3 is 0, -1 for IP3 to contain step number, >0 for given IP3 |
0 | integer |
out3_lieb_conv |
Precision criteria for the Liebman procedure |
0.1 | real |
out3_lieb_levels |
List of levels for underground extrapolation |
out3_lieb_maxite |
Maximum number of iterations for the Liebman procedure |
100 | integer |
out3_liebxch_iter |
number of iterations to exchange halo for the Liebman procedure |
4 | integer |
out3_linbot |
Number of layers close to the bottom of the model within which a linear interpolation of GZ will be performed |
0 | integer |
out3_nbitg |
Packing factor used for all variables except for those defined in Out_xnbits_s |
16 | integer |
out3_ndigits |
Minimum of digits used to represent output units |
3 | integer |
out3_npes |
Total number of PEs for output using MFV collector |
1 | integer |
out3_npex |
Total number of PEs along npex for output using MID collector |
-1 | integer |
out3_npey |
Total number of PEs along npey for output using MID collector |
-1 | integer |
out3_postproc_fact |
Sortie jobs lauched every Out3_postproc_fact*Out3_close_interval_S |
0 | integer |
out3_vinterp_type_s |
Vertical interpolation scheme for output |
'linear' | character(len=12) |
p_lmvd_high_lat |
Latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_high_lat |
30.0 | real |
p_lmvd_low_lat |
latitude at which the multiplication factor becomes P_lmvd_weigh_low_lat |
5.0 | real |
p_lmvd_weigh_high_lat |
Multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_high_lat |
1.0 | real |
p_lmvd_weigh_low_lat |
Multiplication factor of P_pbl_spng at latitude P_lmvd_low_lat |
1.0 | real |
perturb_nbits |
Number of bits to perturb on initial conditions |
0 | integer |
perturb_npts |
Stride for perturbation on initial conditions |
10 | integer |
schm_adcub_l |
.true. | logical |
schm_advec |
1 | integer |
schm_autobar_l |
True-> auto barotropic option |
.false. | logical |
schm_bcavg_l |
True-> averaging B and C in SLEVE scheme |
.true. | logical |
schm_bitpattern_l |
True-> Modify slightly code behaviour to ensure bitpattern reproduction in restart mode using FST file |
.false. | logical |
schm_capa_var_l |
True-> variable cappa in thermodynamic equation |
.false. | logical |
schm_cub_traj_l |
Use cubic interpolation in trajectory computation |
.true. | logical |
schm_dry_mixing_ratio_l |
True-> |
.false. | logical |
schm_eulmtn_l |
True-> Eulerian treatment of mountains in the continuity equation |
.false. | logical |
schm_hydro_l |
.false. | logical |
schm_hzdadw_l |
True-> horizontal diffusion of momentum at each CN iteration |
.false. | logical |
schm_itcn |
Number of iterations for Crank-Nicholson |
2 | integer |
schm_itnlh |
Number of iterations to solve non-linear Helmholtz problem |
2 | integer |
schm_itraj |
Number of iterations to compute trajectories |
3 | integer |
schm_nblendyy |
-1 | integer |
schm_phycpl_s |
Physics coupling strategy |
'split' | character(len=16) |
schm_psadj |
0 | integer |
schm_psadj_lam_l |
Confirmation to use psadjust with a LAM configuration |
.false. | logical |
schm_psadj_print_l |
True-> print dry/wet air masses |
.false. | logical |
schm_topo_l |
True-> to use topography |
.true. | logical |
schm_trapeze_l |
Use trapezoidal average for advection winds |
.true. | logical |
schm_wload_l |
Apply water loading in the calculations |
.false. | logical |
sol2d_precond_s |
2D preconditioner for iterative solver |
'JACOBI' | character(len=26) |
sol3d_krylov_s |
Krylov method for 3d iterative solver (FGMRES or FBICGSTAB) |
'FGMRES' | character(len=26) |
sol3d_precond_s |
3D preconditioner for iterative solver |
'JACOBI' | character(len=26) |
sol_fft_l |
.true. | logical |
sol_fgm_eps |
Epsilon convergence criteria for none Yin-Yang iterative solver |
1.d-07 | real*8 |
sol_fgm_maxits |
maximum number of iterations allowed for none Yin-Yang iterative solver |
200 | integer |
sol_im |
size of Krylov subspace in iterative solver - should not exceed 100 |
15 | integer |
sol_type_s |
Type of solver
'DIRECT' | character(len=26) |
sol_yyg_eps |
Epsilon convergence criteria for the Yin-Yang iterative solver |
1.d-04 | real*8 |
sol_yyg_maxits |
maximum number of iterations allowed for the Yin-Yang iterative solver |
40 | integer |
spn_cutoff_scale_large |
The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km) |
300. | real |
spn_cutoff_scale_small |
The filter will be set 1.0 for larger scales (in km) between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large, the filter will have a COS2 transition. |
100. | real |
spn_nudging_s |
Spectral nudging list of variables (eg. 'UVT' or 'UV') |
' ' | character(len=16) |
spn_relax_hours |
Nudging relaxation timescale (eg. 10 hours ) |
10. | real |
spn_start_lev |
Nudging profile lower end in hyb level (eg. 1.0 or 0.8) If use 0.8, the profile will be set zero when hyb > 0.8 |
1.0 | real |
spn_step |
Nudging interval in seconds (eg. 1800, means nudging is performed every every 30 minutes) |
21600 | integer |
spn_trans_shape_s |
Nudging profile transition shape('COS2' or 'LINEAR') Set the shape between Spn_start_lev and Spn_up_const_lev |
'LINEAR' | character(len=16) |
spn_up_const_lev |
Nudging profile upper end in hyb level (eg. 0.0 or 0.2) If use 0.2, the profile wll be set 1.0 when hyb < 0.2 |
0.0 | real |
spn_weight_l |
Nudging weight in temporal space (.true. or .false.). If the driving fields are available every 6 hours and Spn_step is set to 30 minutes then nudging will have more weight every six hours when the driving fields are available |
.false. | logical |
spn_wt_pwr |
The weight factor when Spn_weight_L=.true. (The weigh factor is COS2**(Spn_wt_pwr), Spn_wt_pwr could be set as 0, 2, 4, 6. If Spn_wt_pwr = 2, weight factor is COS2) |
2 | integer |
stat_liste |
list of variables to do blocstat. Any gmm variable name, or predefine lists :
' ' | character(len=32) |
tr3d_anydate_l |
True-> tracers validity time does not have to match analysis |
.false. | logical |
tr3d_default_s |
Override for default tracers attributes |
' ' | character(len=512) |
tr3d_list_s |
list of tracers to be read from analyse |
vspng_coeftop |
Top coefficient for del-2 diffusion (m2/s) |
-1. | real |
vspng_nk |
Number of levels from the top of the model |
0 | integer |
vspng_riley_l |
True-> Riley diffusion on vertical motion on Vspng_nk levels |
.false. | logical |
vtopo_length_s |
On which length of time to evolve topography |
character(len=16) | |
vtopo_start_s |
Time at which to start evolving topography toward target |
character(len=16) | |
zdot_divhlm_l |
True-> divergence high level modulation in initial computation of Zdot |
.false. | logical |
grdc Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
grdc_dx |
x horizontal resolution of target cascade grid (degrees) |
-1. | real |
grdc_dy |
y horizontal resolution of target cascade grid (degrees) |
-1. | real |
grdc_end_s |
Time string (units D, H, M or S) from the start of the run to stop producing the cascade files |
' ' | character(len=15) |
grdc_hblen |
Number of points for the blending zone (Hblen_x) |
10 | integer |
grdc_initphy_l |
TRUE to dump out permanent bus for cascade mode |
.false. | logical |
grdc_iref |
Reference Point I on rotated cascade grid, 1 < Grdc_iref < Grdc_ni |
-1 | integer |
grdc_jref |
Reference Point J on rotated cascade grid, 1 < Grdc_jref < Grdc_nj |
-1 | integer |
grdc_latr |
Latitude on rotated grid of ref point, Grdc_iref,Grdc_jref (degrees) |
0. | real |
grdc_lonr |
Longitude on rotated grid of ref point, Grdc_iref,Grdc_jref (degrees) |
180. | real |
grdc_maxcfl |
Max Supported Courrant number; Pilot area=Grdc_maxcfl +Grdc_bsc_base+Grdc_bsc_ext1 |
1 | integer |
grdc_nbits |
Number of bits for the packing factor |
32 | integer |
grdc_nfe |
Nesting interval specified with digits ending with one character for the units:
' ' | character(len=15) |
grdc_ni |
Number of points along X |
0 | integer |
grdc_nj |
Number of points along Y |
0 | integer |
grdc_start_s |
Time string (units D, H, M or S) from the start of the run to start producing the cascade files |
' ' | character(len=15) |
grdc_trnm_s |
List of tracers to be written from piloting run |
'@#$%' | character(len=4) |
grid Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
grd_dx |
(LU only) Mesh length (resolution) in x-direction (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_dy |
(LU only) Mesh length (resolution) in y-direction (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_iref |
Reference Point I on rotated grid, 1 < Grd_iref < Grd_ni |
-1 | integer |
grd_jref |
Reference Point J on rotated grid, 1 < Grd_jref < Grd_nj |
-1 | integer |
grd_latr |
Latitude on rotated grid of reference point, Grd_iref,Grd_jref (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_lonr |
Longitude on rotated grid of reference point, Grd_iref,Grd_jref (degrees) |
180. | real |
grd_maxcfl |
Max Supported Courrant number; Pilot area=Grd_maxcfl +Grd_bsc_base+Grd_bsc_ext1 |
1 | integer |
grd_ni |
Number of points along NI |
0 | integer |
grd_nj |
Number of points along NJ |
0 | integer |
grd_overlap |
(GY only) Overlap extent along latitude axis for GY grid (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_typ_s |
Type of grid described using 2 characters:
'GY' | character(len=2) |
grd_xlat1 |
Geographic longitude of the center of the computational domain (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_xlat2 |
Geographic latitude of a point on the equator of the computational domain east of Grd_xlon1,Grd_xlat1 (degrees) |
0. | real |
grd_xlon1 |
Geographic latitude of the center of the computational domain (degrees) |
180. | real |
grd_xlon2 |
Geographic longitude of a point on the equator of the computational domain east of Grd_xlon1,Grd_xlat1 (degrees) |
270. | real |
mtn_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
mtn_dx | 500. | real | |
mtn_dz | 300. | real | |
mtn_flo | 10. | real | |
mtn_hght | 250. | real | |
mtn_hwx | 10. | real | |
mtn_hwx1 | 8. | real | |
mtn_ni | 401 | integer | |
mtn_nj | 1 | integer | |
mtn_nk | 65 | integer | |
mtn_nstar | 0.01 | real | |
mtn_tzero | 303.16 | real | |
mtn_zblen_thk | 0. | real |
resources Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
ptopo_npex | |||
ptopo_nthreads_dyn, |
step Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
fcst_bkup_additional_s |
Save a restart file + continue at that time |
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
fcst_bkup_s |
Save a restart file + continue every Fcst_bkup_S |
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
fcst_end_s |
End date for model run slice (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) |
' ' | character(len=16) |
fcst_gstat_s |
Output global stat (glbstat) every Fcst_gstat_S |
' ' | character(len=16) |
fcst_nesdt_s |
Read nesting data every Fcst_nesdt_S |
' ' | character(len=16) |
fcst_rstrt_s |
Save a restart file + stop every Fcst_rstrt_S |
' ' | character(len=16) |
fcst_spinphy_s | ' ' | character(len=16) | |
fcst_start_s |
Starting date for model run slice (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) |
' ' | character(len=16) |
step_alarm |
Setting for Fortran alarm time |
600 | integer |
step_dt |
Length of model timestep (sec) |
-1. | real*8 |
step_leapyears_l |
Account for leap years |
.true. | logical |
step_runstrt_s |
Starting date for model run (yyyymmdd.hhmmss) |
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
theo_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
theo_case_s | 'NONE' | character(len=15) |
dcmip Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
dcmip_case |
Dcmip case selector
0 | integer |
dcmip_lower_value |
Set lower value of Tracer in Terminator
0 | integer |
dcmip_moist |
Account for moisture
1 | integer |
dcmip_nuz_th |
Vertical Diffusion Theta (if <0,we remove REF) |
0. | real |
dcmip_nuz_tr |
Vertical Diffusion Tracers (if <0,we remove REF) |
0. | real |
dcmip_nuz_wd |
Vertical Diffusion Winds (if <0,we remove REF) |
0. | real |
dcmip_pbl_type |
Type of planetary boundary layer
-1 | integer |
dcmip_prec_type |
Type of precipitation/microphysics
-1 | integer |
dcmip_rayleigh_friction_l |
Do Rayleigh friction if T |
.false. | logical |
dcmip_terminator_l |
Do Terminator chemistry if T |
.false. | logical |
dcmip_x |
Earth's radius reduction factor |
1.d0 | real*8 |
williamson Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
williamson_alpha |
Rotation angle in DEGREE - W_NAIR=0) |
0. | real |
williamson_case |
Williamson case selector
0 | integer |
williamson_clat0 |
LAT cosine Bell in DEGREE - W_NAIR=0) |
0. | real |
williamson_clon0 |
LON cosine Bell in DEGREE - W_NAIR=0) |
270. ! 3*pi/2 rad in the paper | real |
williamson_lower_value |
Set lower value of Tracer in Terminator
0 | integer |
williamson_nair |
Used when Williamson_case=1
0 | integer |
williamson_period |
rotation period in SECS - W_NAIR=0) |
12.*24.*3600. | real |
williamson_rlat0 |
LAT rot.POLE in DEGREE - W_NAIR=3) |
0. | real |
williamson_rlon0 |
LON rot.POLE in DEGREE - W_NAIR=0/3) |
0. | real |
williamson_terminator_l |
Do Terminator chemistry if T |
.false. | logical |
convection_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
bkf_closures |
Select closures for shallow convection
'CAPE' | character(len=16) |
bkf_detrains |
Select formulation of fractional detrainment rate for shallow convection
'BECHTOLD01' | character(len=16) |
bkf_entrains |
Select formulation of fractional entrainment rate for shallow convection
'BECHTOLD01' | character(len=16) |
bkf_evaps |
Evaporate detrained condensate in shallow convection |
.false. | logical |
bkf_kch |
Number of species for convective transport (never tested) |
0 | integer |
bkf_kens |
Number of additional ensemble members (max 3) for deep bkf convection |
0 | integer |
bkf_kice |
Take ice phase into account in deep bkf (yes=1) |
1 | integer |
bkf_ktdia |
Limit vertical computation by ktdia-1 levels |
1 | integer |
bkf_lch1conv |
Activate convective transport of species for deep and shallow bkf |
.false. | logical |
bkf_ldown |
Allow downdrafts in deep bkf |
.true. | logical |
bkf_lshalm |
Activate shallow convective momentum transport |
.false. | logical |
bkf_rads |
Cloud radii at LCL for bkf_shallow from bkf_rads(1) to bkf_rads(2) with increment bkf_rads(3) |
(/50., 50., 0./) | real |
bkf_tperts |
Temperature perturbations at LCL for triggering bkf_shallow An ensemble of shall. cumuli will be generated using perturbations starting from bkf_tperts(1) to bkf_tperts(2) with increment bkf_tperts(3) |
(/0.2, 0.2, 0./) | real |
deep |
Deep convection scheme name
'nil' | character(len=16) |
deep_cloudobj |
Treat convective clouds as cloud objects |
.false. | logical |
deep_codecay |
Decay timescale for convective cloud objects (seconds) |
600. | real |
deep_conserve |
Conservation corrections for deep convective scheme
'PRECIP' | character(len=16) |
deep_timeconv | -1. | real | |
deep_timeent | -1. | real | |
deep_timerefresh | -1. | real | |
kfcdepth |
Minimum depth of conv. updraft for KFC trigger (m) |
4000. | real |
kfcdpdd |
Maximum depth of the downdraft detrainment layer (Pa) for 'kfc2' and 'kfc3' |
10000. | real |
kfcmom |
generate wind tendencies in KFC or deep BKF if .true. |
.false. | logical |
kfcprod |
Compute production terms for Kain-Fritsch scheme |
.false. | logical |
kfcrad |
Initial convective updraft radius in KFC scheme(m) |
1500. | real |
kfcradw |
Convective updraft radius over water in KFC scheme(m) |
-1. | real |
kfctaucape |
Varies convective timescale as a function of CAPE for Kain-Fritsch scheme KFCTAUCAPE = time1, time2, cmean, dcape
(/-1., -1., -1., -1./) | real |
kfctrig4 |
Trigger parameter of Kain-Fritsch convection scheme (WKLCL). Trigger parameter will increase from kfctrig4(3) to kfctrig4(4) [m/s] between timestep kfctrig4(1) and timestep kfctrig4(2) |
(/0., 0., 0.05, 0.05/) | real |
kfctriga |
Nominal resolution for which KFCTRIG4 is set. This is inactive if value <= 0. |
-1.0 | real |
kfctrigl |
Over land and lakes we keep the value set by the "ramp" above over sea water:
0.05 | real |
kfctriglat |
Logical key for variation of the trigger function depending on latitude and land-sea-lake mask |
.false. | logical |
kfctrigtau |
Relaxation timescale for trigger velocity |
-1. | real |
kfctrigw |
Trigger parameter of Kain-Fritsch convection scheme (WKLCL). Trigger parameter will increase from kfctrigw(3) to kfctrigw(4) [m/s] between wstar values kfctrigw(1) and kfctrigw(2) |
(/0., 0., 0., 0./) | real |
mid |
Switch for mid-level convection
'nil' | character(len=16) |
mid_conserve |
Conservation corrections for mid-level convective scheme
'PRECIP' | character(len=16) |
mid_depth |
Minimum cloud depth for mid-level convection (m) |
2000. | real |
mid_dpdd |
Downdraft detrainment depth for mid-level convection (Pa) |
6000. | real |
mid_emffrac |
Fraction of environmental mass flux that enters updrafts |
'all' | character(len=16) |
mid_emfmod |
Modulation of the minimum environmental mass flux for mid-level convection |
'nil' | character(len=16) |
mid_maxcape |
Maximum deep CAPE (J/kg/m2) for mid-level convective triggering |
-1 | real |
mid_minbase |
Minimum parcel departure level for mid-level convection (m) |
500. | real |
mid_minemf |
Minimum environmental mass flux for mid-level convection (kg/s) |
1e7 | real |
mid_peff | -1. | real | |
shal |
Switch for shallow convection
'nil' | character(len=16) |
shal_conserve |
Conservation corrections for shallow convective scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
shal_timeconv | -1. | real | |
triglat |
Over land and lakes we keep the value set by the "ramp" above over sea water:
0.0 | real |
physics_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
acchr |
Time length (hours) for special time accumulated physics variables |
0 | integer |
advectke |
Turbulent kinetic energy advect. is active if .true. |
.false. | logical |
chauf |
Surface heat flux from oceans is active if .true. |
.true. | logical |
clip_tr_l |
Clip tracers negative values |
.true. | logical |
cond_conserve |
Conservation corrections for gridscale condensation
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
cond_evap |
Evaporation parameter for Sunqvist gridscale condensation |
2.e-4 | real |
cond_hmrst |
Minimum cloud mixing ratio (kg/kg) for autoconversion in Sunqvist gridscale condensation |
3.e-4 | real |
cond_hu0max |
Max allowed values of modified hu00 (threshold relative humidity for stratiform condensation, Sunqvist gridscale condensation) |
0.975 | real |
cond_hu0min |
Min allowed values of modified hu00 (threshold relative humidity for stratiform condensation, Sunqvist gridscale condensation) |
0.85 | real |
cond_infilter |
Standard deviation length scale (gridpoints) of Gaussian smoother applied to temperature and humidity inputs for Sunqvist gridscale condensation) |
-1. | real |
debug_mem_l |
Activate Debug memory mode |
.false. | logical |
debug_trace_l |
Print a trace of the phy functions (MSG verbosity = debug) |
.false. | logical |
diag_twind |
Obtain estimate of surface wind gusts if .true. |
.false. | logical |
diffuw |
Diffuse vertical motion if .true. |
.false. | logical |
drag |
Surface friction is active if .true. Uses Schuman-Newell lapse rate if .false. |
.true. | logical |
etrmin2 |
Minimal value for TKE in stable case (for 'CLEF') |
1.E-4 | real |
evap |
Surface evaporation is active if .true. |
.true. | logical |
fluvert |
Boundary layer processes
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
fnn_mask |
(MOISTKE only) Apply factor fnn_reduc
.false. | logical |
fnn_reduc |
(MOISTKE only) Reduction factor (between 0. and 1.) to be applied to the parameter FNN (turbulent flux enhancement due to boundary layer clouds) |
1. | real |
fnnmod |
(CLEF+CONRES only) Non-dimensional parameter (must be >= 1.) that controls the value of the flux enhancement factor in CONRES |
2. | real |
fomic |
Use Fomichev radiation code if .true. |
.false. | logical |
gwdrag |
Gravity wave drag formulation
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
hines_flux_filter |
Number of times the 3-point filter will be applied to smooth the GW flux profiles |
0 | integer |
iheatcal |
Consider heating from non-orog. drag if = 1 |
0 | integer |
indiag_list_s |
Comma-separated list of diagnostic level inputs to read. Default: indiag_list_s(1) = 'DEFAULT LIST', expanded to: UU, VV, TT, HU + all dynamic Tracers |
' ' | character(len=32) |
inilwc |
Initialize water content and cloud fraction seen by radiation for time 0 if .true. |
.false. | logical |
input_type | |||
intozot |
Update ozone climatology during the run |
.false. | logical |
kntrad_s |
Time between full radiation calculation (units D,H,M,S,P) |
character(len=16) | |
kticefrac |
Compute ice fraction in KTRSNT_MG if .true. |
.true. | logical |
lightning_diag |
Compute lightning diagnostics if .true. (currently for Milbrandt-Yau microphysics only) |
.false. | logical |
lmetox |
Add methane oxydation as source of humidity in the stratosphere if .true. |
.false. | logical |
longmel |
Mixing length calc. scheme
'BLAC62' | character(len=16) |
moyhr |
Time length (hours) for special time averaged physics variables |
0 | integer |
mp_aeroact |
Switch for aerosol activation scheme (1 = default, 2 = ARG + Aerosol climatology) |
1 | integer |
my_ccntype |
Switch for airmass type (1 = maritime, 2 = continental) |
1 | integer |
my_dblmom_c |
Double-moment for cloud (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_dblmom_g |
Double-moment for graupel (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_dblmom_h |
Double-moment for hail (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_dblmom_i |
Double-moment for ice (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_dblmom_r |
Double-moment for rain (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_dblmom_s |
Double-moment for snow (for 'mp_my' only) |
.true. | logical |
my_diagon |
Compute MY Diagnostic fields if .true. |
.true. | logical |
my_iceon |
Ice-phase switched on if .true. |
.true. | logical |
my_initn |
Initialize the number concentration for each category |
.true. | logical |
my_rainon |
Autoconversion (cloud to rain) switched on |
.true. | logical |
my_sedion |
Sedimentation switched on |
.true. | logical |
my_snowon |
Snow initiation switched on |
.true. | logical |
my_tc3comp |
Parameters for three-component freezing term |
(/-5.,-5.,-5./) | real |
my_warmon |
Warm-phase switched on |
.true. | logical |
ninblocx |
Physic input blocking along X |
1 | integer |
ninblocy |
Physic input blocking along Y |
1 | integer |
non_oro |
Hines non-orographic GWD scheme is active if .true. |
.false. | logical |
non_oro_pbot |
Pressure (in Pa) that defines the bottom emission level for gravity waves |
61000.0 | real |
nsloflux |
Number of timesteps for which surface fluxes "FC" and "FV" are gradually set from 0 to their full value in a "slow start fashion" at the beginning of a time integration |
0 | integer |
p3_debug |
switch for real-time debugging in microphysics (P3) |
.false. | logical |
p3_depfact |
calibration factor for ice deposition in microphysics (P3) |
1.0 | real |
p3_dtmax |
Maximum time step (s) to be taken by the microphysics (P3) scheme, with time-splitting used to reduce step to below this value if necessary |
60. | real |
p3_ncat |
Number of ice-phase hydrometeor categories to use in the P3 microphysics scheme (currently limited to <5) |
1 | integer |
p3_pfrac |
precipitation fraction factor used by SCPF in microphysics (P3) |
1.0 | real |
p3_resfact |
model resolution factor used by SCPF in microphysics (P3) |
1.0 | real |
p3_scpf_on |
switch for subgrid cloud/precipitation fraction scheme (SCPF) in microphysics (P3) |
.false. | logical |
p3_subfact |
calibration factor for ice sublimation in microphysics (P3) |
1.0 | real |
p_runlgt |
Vectoc lenght physics memory space folding for openMP |
-1 | integer |
pbl_cmu_timeavg |
Time-averaging of transfer coefficient for momentum to reduce 2-dt oscillations in fluxes |
.false. | logical |
pbl_conserve |
Conservation corrections for PBL scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_cucloud |
Include the turbulent effects of trade wind cumulus clouds |
.true. | logical |
pbl_diff_condens |
Diffuse condensate fields |
.false. | logical |
pbl_diss |
Run with a modified closure for the dissipation length scale
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_dissheat |
Dissipative heating tendencies are computed for the PBL scheme such that total energy (kinetic + internal) is conserved
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_flux_consistency |
Call surface scheme immediately before the PBL |
.false. | logical |
pbl_func_stab |
Class of stability functions (stable case) to use in the PBL
'DELAGE97' | character(len=16) |
pbl_func_unstab |
Class of stability functions (unstable case) to use in the PBL
'DELAGE92' | character(len=16) |
pbl_mlblac_max |
Choose form of asymptotic mixing length for Blacadar-type estimates
'BLAC62' | character(len=16) |
pbl_mlturb_diss |
Apply "turboujo" turbulence conditions to dissipation length scale |
.false. | logical |
pbl_moistke_legacy_cloud |
Run with legacy moistke clouds (no limits on cloud effects) |
.false. | logical |
pbl_nonloc |
Use the non-local PBL cloud formulation
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_ribkg |
Use the mixing length to average the Richardson number profile of (potentially) many layers to derive a "background" Ri estimate |
.false. | logical |
pbl_ricrit |
Richardson num. critical values for hysteresis |
1. | real |
pbl_shal |
PBL representation of boundary layer clouds
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
pbl_slblend_layer |
Layer over which to adjust from SL to PBL stability functions [(bot,top) in m] |
pbl_tkediff |
Adjustment to coefficient for TKE diffusion |
1. | real |
pbl_tkediff2dt |
Control of time scale for TKE diffusion |
.false. | logical |
pbl_turbsl_depth |
Depth (Pa) of the always-turbulent near-surface layer in the PBL |
3000. | real |
pbl_zerobc |
Use true (motionless) surface boundary conditions for TKE diffusion |
.false. | logical |
pbl_zntau |
Relaxation timescale (s) for mixing length smoothing |
7200. | real |
pcptype |
Scheme to determine precipitation type
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
phystat_2d_l |
Physic statistics output for 3d varables:
.false. | logical |
phystat_dble_l |
Use double presision for physic statistics output |
.false. | logical |
phystat_freq_s |
Physic statistics output Frequency |
'0h' | character(len=16) |
phystat_input_l |
Print stats for phy_input read var |
.false. | logical |
phystat_list_s |
Physic statistics output: bus variable list that should be included in physics "block" stats. Possible values:
' ' | character(len=32) |
qcfc11 |
CFC11 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) |
-1. | real |
qcfc12 |
CFC12 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) |
-1 | real |
qch4 |
CH4 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) |
-1. | real |
qco2 |
CO2 bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) |
-1. | real |
qn2o |
N2O bckgrnd atmospheric concentration (PPMV) |
-1. | real |
rad_atmpath |
Atmospheric path length for solar radiation
'RODGERS67' | character(len=16) |
rad_cond_rei | 15. | real | |
rad_cond_rew | -1. | real | |
rad_conserve |
Conservation corrections for radiation scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
rad_esfc |
Use emissivity computed by the surface schemes |
.false. | logical |
radfiles |
format of radiation files to be read
'STD' | character(len=16) |
radfix |
Radiation fixes near the model top(for newrad only) if .true. |
.true. | logical |
radfltr |
Vertical smoothing on radiative fluxes(for newrad only) if .true. |
.true. | logical |
radghg_l |
Use climatological values of GHG in radiation (CCCMARAD2 only) |
.false. | logical |
radia |
Radiation scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
radnivl |
List of levels on which IR and VIS radiation calculations are performed (to save on CPU time) (for newrad only) |
0 | integer |
radslope |
Key for activation of the radiation along slopes |
.false. | logical |
refract |
Additional output for low level refraction |
.false. | logical |
rmscon |
Launching level value of GW RMS wind (m/s) from non-orographic origin |
1.0 | real |
satuco |
water/ice phase for saturation calc. if .true.; water phase only for saturation calc. if .false. |
.true. | logical |
sgo_bhfac |
Tuning factor for blocking height |
1.5 | real |
sgo_cdmin |
Sets the minimum value of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme. |
1.0 | real |
sgo_nldirfac |
Turns on/off the non-linear amplification factor (depending on wind direction) of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme |
.true. | logical |
sgo_phic |
Critical phase for blocking height |
0.2 | real |
sgo_stabfac |
Turns on/off the amplification factor (due to stability) of the drag coefficient in the orographic blocking scheme |
.true. | logical |
sgo_tdfilter |
Standard deviation length scale (gridpoints) of Gaussian smoother applied to wind GWD tendencies |
1. | real |
sgo_windfac |
Description of threshold for mean wind speed for blocking |
simisccp |
Run ISCCP cloud simulator (cccmarad only) if .true. |
.false. | logical |
stcond |
Condensation scheme name
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
stratos |
Special treatment of stratosphere; if .true. ignore convection/condensation tendencies where pressure is lower than topc or specific humidity is lower than minq as specified in nocld.cdk |
.false. | logical |
taufac |
Factor used in the gwd formulation = 1/(LENGTH SCALE) |
8.E-6 | real |
test_phy |
Run the physics in test harness mode |
.false. | logical |
timings_l |
Print runtime timings |
.false. | logical |
tofd |
Select a turbulent orographic form drag scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
ts_flxir |
(newrad only) Use TT(12000) instead of skin temp in downward IR flux calculation if .true. |
.false. | logical |
series Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
p_serg_serstp |
Times series package stops at this timestep |
huge(1) | integer |
p_serg_srprf_s |
List of time series for profile variables |
' ' | character(len=SER_STRLEN_VAR) |
p_serg_srsrf_s |
List of time series for surface variables |
' ' | character(len=SER_STRLEN_VAR) |
p_serg_srwri |
Number of timesteps between time-series writeout |
1 | integer |
xst_stn_latlon |
Stations chosen in lat,lon for time-series Format: "STN1_NAME",lat1,lon1, "STN2_NAME",lat2,lon2, ... |
surface_cfgs Namelist
Name | Description | Default Value | Type
adj_i0_snow |
Adjust surface temperature over snow after reading (coherency check) |
.true. | logical |
beta |
Prandtl number for neutral stability (initialized by SL module) |
0. | real |
diusst |
Diurnal SST scheme
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
diusst_coolskin |
Diurnal SST scheme active coolskin if .true. |
.true. | logical |
diusst_coolskin_lakes |
Diurnal SST scheme active coolskin over freshwater lakes if .true. |
.true. | logical |
diusst_warmlayer |
Diurnal SST scheme active warmlayer if .true. |
.true. | logical |
diusst_warmlayer_lakes |
Diurnal SST scheme active warmlayer over freshwater lakes if .true. |
.true. | logical |
dp_svs |
Depth of soil layers in [METERS] in SVS land surface scheme (schmsol=SVS) |
-1.0 | real |
ice_emiss | -1. | real | |
icelac |
Set water temperature of ice-covered lakes to 0C for points north of ice line if .true. needs an initialization file otherwise the model stops |
.false. | logical |
icemelt |
Sea ice melting |
.false. | logical |
impflx |
Implicit surface fluxes if .true.; explicit fluxes if .false. |
.false. | logical |
isba_melting_fix |
If .true. apply temporary fix to ISBA
.false. | logical |
isba_snow_z0veg |
Use the vegetation-only roughness length to compute vegetation snow fraction |
.false. | logical |
isba_soil_emiss | -1. | real | |
isba_zr_freeze |
If .true., freeze precipitation reaching the ground in sub-zero conditions |
.false. | logical |
kdp |
Deepest active (permeable) soil layer in SVS land surface scheme (schmsol=SVS) |
-1 | integer |
kntveg_s |
Vegetation field update frequency (units D,H,M,S,P) |
character(len=16) | |
leadfrac |
Minimum fraction of leads in sea ice. Multiply ice fraction by (1.-leadfrac) |
0.03 | real |
limsnodp |
Limit snow depth to 10 cm for calculation of heat conductivity of snow over sea-ice and glacier if .true. |
.false. | logical |
owflux |
(coupling) fluxes over ocean are taken from ocean model if .true. |
.false. | logical |
read_emis |
read-in land surface emissivity if .true. |
.false. | logical |
salty_qsat |
Takes into account effect of ocean salinity on saturation specific humidity at ocean surface (boundary condition for LH flux calculation) |
.false. | logical |
schmsol |
Land surface processes
'ISBA' | character(len=16) |
schmurb |
Urban surface processes
'NIL' | character(len=16) |
sl_func_stab |
Class of stability functions (stable case) to use in the surface layer
'DELAGE97' | character(len=16) |
sl_func_unstab |
Class of stability functions (unstable case) to use in the surface layer
'DELAGE92' | character(len=16) |
sl_lmin_soil |
Mimimum Obukhov length (L) for soil surfaces |
-1. | real |
sl_rineutral |
Define bulk Ri values for near-neutral regime in the surface layer |
0. | real |
sl_z0ref |
Use a reference roughness for surface layer calculations |
.false. | logical |
snoalb_anl |
Use snow albedo "I6" directly if .true.; Use snow age "XA" to calculate snow albedo if .false. |
.true. | logical |
snow_emiss | -1. | real | |
soiltext |
Soil texture database/calculations for SVS land surface scheme
'GSDE' | character(len=16) |
tdiaglim |
Limit temperature inversions to 8K/40m in surface layer if .true. |
.false. | logical |
use_eff_surf_tq | .false. | logical | |
use_photo |
.true. | logical |
veg_rs_mult |
Factor multiplying stomatal resistance in ISBA |
1. | real |
water_emiss | -1. | real | |
z0dir |
Use directional roughness length if .true. |
.false. | logical |
z0hcon |
Constant value of thermal roughness length (m) applied over water within latitudinal band defined by z0tlat |
4.0e-5 | real |
z0min |
Minimum value of momentum roughness length (m) |
1.5e-5 | real |
z0mtype |
Momentum roughness length formulation over water
'CHARNOCK' | character(len=16) |
z0tevol |
Thermal roughness length formulation over vegetation
'FIXED' | character(len=16) |
z0tlat |
Latitude (2 elements, in degrees) used to specify Z0T over water
0. | real |
z0ttype |
Thermal roughness length formulation over water
'MOMENTUM' | character(len=16) |
zt |
Height at which to compute screen-level temperature (m) |
1.5 | real |
zu |
Height at which to compute anemomenter-level winds (m) |
10. | real |