Obs ReAnalysis : Différence entre versions

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= ECMWF data users (ERA40, ERA-Interim, ERA5, ERA5-Land)  =
Users of ECMWF data sets are requested to reference the source of the data in any publication, e.g.
"ECMWF ERA-Interim data used in this study/project have been provided by ECMWF/have been obtained from the ECMWF data server."
= Reanalysis  =
=== ERA40  ===
Period&nbsp;: 195709 - 200208<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 145x73 (2.5 deg) B grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Vertical info&nbsp;: 23 pressure levels from 1 hPa to 1000 hPa<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://data.ecmwf.int/data/d/era40/<br>Documentation&nbsp;: http://www.ecmwf.int/research/era/Products/Archive_Plan/Archive_plan_toc.html<br>Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/ERA40<br><br>Driving data&nbsp;:&nbsp; Atmospheric driving data on pressure levels<br>Other 6-hourly and monthly mean fields&nbsp;:&nbsp; <br><br>&nbsp; on 23 pressure levels (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 775, 850, 925, 1000 hPa)&nbsp;: <br> &nbsp;
{| border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" style="width: 234px; height: 352px;"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| TT
| Air temperature
| C
| GZ
| Geopotential
| gdm
| HU
| Specific humidity
| kg/kg
| HR
| Relative humidity
| &nbsp;%
| UU
| U wind component
| knots
| VV
| V wind component
| knots
| WP
| vertical velocity
| Pa/s
| DD
| Divergence
| 1/s
| QR
| Relative vorticity
| 1/s
| Potential vorticity
| <br>
| OZ
| Ozone gas
| ppb
<br>&nbsp; on model levels&nbsp;:<br><br>
{| width="700" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | ACC
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | LEVEL
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| <br>
| GL
| <br>
| Sea-ice cover
| 0-1
| <br>
| I0<br>
| 1-4<br>
| Soil temperature level 1-4
| K
| <br>
| I1<br>
| 1-4<br>
| Volumetric soil water layer 1-4
| m<sup>3</sup>/m<sup>3</sup>
| <br>
| I5<br>
| <br>
| SWE, Snow depth (m of equivalent water) SNOMA(I5)=1000*SNORO(7S)*SD<br>
| m
| <br>
| I7<br>
| 1-4<br>
| Ice surface temperature layer 1-4
| K
| A<br>
| O7
| <br>
| Snow evaporation (m of water)
| m/s
| A<br>
| <br>
| Snowmelt (m of water)
| m/s
| <br>
| <br>
| Total column water (liquid+Ice+Vapour) (kg/m**2)
| kg/m<sup>2</sup>
| <br>
| PW
| <br>
| Total column water vapour (kg/m**2)
| kg/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AE<br>
| <br>
| Stratiform precipitation (Large-scale precipitation)
| m/s
| A<br>
| PC
| <br>
| Convective precipitation
| m/s
| A<br>
| SN<br>
| <br>
| Snowfall (convective + stratiform)
| m/s
| A<br>
| AH<br>
| <br>
| Surface sensible heat flux
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AV<br>
| <br>
| Surface latent heat flux
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| <br>
| PN<br>
| <br>
| Mean sea level pressure
| hPa
| <br>
| H<br>
| <br>
| Boundary layer height
| m
| <br>
| NT<br>
| <br>
| Total cloud cover (instantaneous)
| 0-1
| <br>
| UU<br>
| 1sg<br>
| 10 metre U wind component
| knots
| <br>
| VV<br>
| 1sg
| 10 metre V wind component
| knots
| <br>
| TT<br>
| 1sg
| 2 metre temperature
| C
| <br>
| TD<br>
| 1sg
| 2 metre dewpoint temperature
| C
| A<br>
| N4<br>
| <br>
| Surface solar radiation downwards = AS/(1-AL(5))
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AD<br>
| <br>
| Surface thermal radiation downwards
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AS<br>
| <br>
| Surface solar radiation
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AI<br>
| <br>
| Surface thermal radiation
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| TOAS<br>
| <br>
| Top solar radiation = (AB-AU)
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| AR<br>
| <br>
| Top thermal radiation
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| S7<br>
| <br>
| East-West surface stress
| (N/m<sup>2</sup>)<br>
| A<br>
| S8<br>
| <br>
| North-South surface stress
| (N/m<sup>2</sup>)<br>
| A<br>
| EVAP<br>
| <br>
| Evaporation (m of water)
| m/s
| <br>
| NB<br>
| <br>
| Low cloud cover
| 0-1
| <br>
| NM<br>
| <br>
| Medium cloud cover
| 0-1
| <br>
| NH<br>
| <br>
| High cloud cover
| 0-1
| A<br>
| UG<br>
| <br>
| Latitudinal component of gravity wave stress
| m/s<sup>3</sup>
| A<br>
| V6<br>
| <br>
| Meridional component of gravity wave stress
| m/s<sup>3</sup>
| A<br>
| N0<br>
| <br>
| Runoff (m of water)
| m/s
| <br>
| O3<br>
| <br>
| Total column ozone (kg/m**2)
| kg/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| SN_C<br>
| <br>
| Top net solar radiation, clear sky
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| LN_C<br>
| <br>
| Top net thermal radiation, clear sky
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| SN_C<br>
| <br>
| Surface net solar radiation, clear sky
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| A<br>
| LN_C<br>
| <br>
| Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| <br>
| WV_H<br>
| <br>
| Significant wave height
| <br>
| <br>
| WV_D<br>
| <br>
| Mean wave direction
| <br>
| <br>
| WV_P<br>
| <br>
| Mean wave period
| <br>
| <br>
| TN<br>
| <br>
| Temperature of snow layer
| K
=== ERA-Interim  ===
Period&nbsp;: 198901 - 200901<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 181x91 (2.0 deg) B grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Vertical info&nbsp;: 22 pressure levels from 10 hPa to 1000 hPa<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; Colin Jones, SMHI<br><br>Driving data&nbsp;:&nbsp; Atmospheric driving data on pressure levels<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SST &amp; sea ice <br>
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/ERA-Interim
=== ERA-Interim, 1.5 degree  ===
Period&nbsp;: 197901 - 201212<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 241x121 (1.5 deg) B grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Vertical info&nbsp;: 34 pressure levels from 5 hPa to 1000 hPa<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; Michel Giguere, Ouranos<br><br>Driving data&nbsp;:&nbsp; 6-houtly atmospheric driving data on pressure levels (TT, HU, UU, VV, GZ, P0)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6-houtly SST &amp; sea ice
CLASS offline driving data&nbsp;: 3- and 6-houly&nbsp;: PR, AD, N4<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6-houly&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;: TT, UV, HU, P0<br>Data source&nbsp;: Camille Garnaud, UQAM<br><br>Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/ERA-Interim_1.5
=== ERA-Interim, 0.75 degree  ===
Period&nbsp;: 197901 - 201412<br>Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 481x241 (0.75 deg) B grid (CMC/RPN)
'''NOTE:''' Seems that there are some "problems" with the ECMWF '''sea ice cover fraction''':<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2003.10.22 06Z – 2003.10.23 00Z (Overestimated ice Baffin Bay, Greenland Sea)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2006.10.29 12Z – 2006.10.30 06Z (Laplev/Kara Sea hole)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2006.12.01 12Z – 2006.12.02 06Z (Chukchi/Beaufort Sea hole)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2008.03.08 12Z – 2008.03.09 06Z (Underestimate Labrador Sea, Gulf of St. Lawrence)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2008.04.03 12Z – 2008.04.04 06Z (Chukchi, Hudson/Baffin Bay holes)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2012.07.11 06Z – 2012.07.14 00Z (Ice-free North Pole)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2012.07.14 06Z – 2012.07.15 00Z (North of Greenland hole)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2013.01.20 06Z – 18Z (Ice-free Bering Strait/Sea)<br>
'''Validation data'''&nbsp;:
Location: ~data/Validation/ERA-Interim_0.75<br><br>'''CRCM5 driving data'''&nbsp;:&nbsp; 6-hourly atmospheric driving data on pressure levels (TT, HU, UU, VV, GZ, P0)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6-hourly SST &amp; sea ice <br>Location&nbsp;: ~data/Driving_data/Pilots/ERA-Interim_0.75<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; Michel Giguere, Ouranos and ECMWF<br>
'''CLASS offline driving data'''&nbsp;: 3-hourly forecast &nbsp;&nbsp;: TT, UV, HU, P0, PR, AD, N4<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 6-hourly analysis &nbsp;&nbsp;: TT, UV, HU, P0 &nbsp; + &nbsp; 6-hourly forecast &nbsp;&nbsp;: PR, AD, N4 <br>
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Driving_data/Offline/ERA-Interim_0.75<br> Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets<br>
'''6-hourly analysis, 2-D'''<br>
{| width="287" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| TT
| 2m temperature
| <sup>o</sup>C
| TD
| 2m dew point temperature
| <sup>o</sup>C
| HU
| 2m specific humidity
| kg/kg
| P0 <br>
| Surface pressure<br>
| hPa<br>
| UU
| 10m U wind component
| knots
| VV
| 10m V wind component
| knots
| UV
| 10m wind speed<br>
| knots
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Driving_data/Offline/ERA-Interim_0.75/6h_Analysis<br> Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets<br>
'''3-hourly forecast, 2-D'''<br>
{| width="344" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| TT
| 2m temperature
| <sup>o</sup>C
| TD
| 2m dew pont temperature
| <sup>o</sup>C
| HU
| 2m specific humidity
| kg/kg
| P0 <br>
| Surface pressure<br>
| hPa<br>
| UU
| 10m U wind component
| knots
| VV
| 10m V wind component
| knots
| UV
| 10m wind speed<br>
| knots
| AS
| Sensible heatflux
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| AV
| Latent heatflux
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| AD
| Surface thermal radiation downwards
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| N4
| Surface solar radiation downwards
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| AI<br>
| Surface thermal radiation
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| AS<br>
| Surface solar radiation
| W/m<sup>2</sup>
| PR<br>
| Total precipitation<br>
| m/s<br>
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Driving_data/Offline/ERA-Interim_0.75/3h_Forecast<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets<br>
'''2-D monthly mean fields'''
Period&nbsp;: 197901 - 201412<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 481x241 (0.75 deg) B grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/interim-full-moda/<br>
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/ERA-Interim_0.75/Monthly_means
=== ERA5 ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''197901 to current''' (new months added upon request)<br>
&nbsp; Horizontal grid&nbsp;: '''0.25° global''' B grid (CMC/RPN)
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1-''', '''3-hourly''' resp. '''daily''' (for Tmin/Tmax/SST/SIC)<br>
ERA5 (Hersbach et al., 2019) est la dernière version des réanalyses de ECMWF. Plusieurs sources d’informations sont assimillées dans le cadre de la réanalyse ERA5 comme les observations de stations de surface, les observations satellitaires, les METAR, etc. Les données ont été téléchargés à partir du Climate Data Store de Copernicus (C3S, 2017)<br>
==== 2-D fields (RPN only) ====
{| width="500" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''total precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;SN
| &nbsp;'''snowfall [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;T5
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°K]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;derived from 1h T2m analysis
| &nbsp;T9
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°K]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;derived from 1h T2m analysis
| &nbsp;U10m
| '''&nbsp;10m u-wind [knots]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;V10m
| '''&nbsp;10m v-wind [knots]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;P0
| &nbsp;'''surface pressure [hPa]'''
| &nbsp;3-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;PN
| &nbsp;'''sea level pressure [hPa]'''
| &nbsp;3-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;EVAP
| &nbsp;'''evaporation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;SWE
| &nbsp;'''snow water equivalent [m]'''
| &nbsp;3-hourly
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;DN
| &nbsp;'''snow density [kg/m³]'''
| &nbsp;3-hourly
| &nbsp;
Note: Units are given for RPN format. For units in NetCDF format check inside files!<br>
'''Location: RPN format'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : ~data/ReAnalysis/ERA5/2D_Fields<br>
==== 2-D fields (NetCDF only) ====
Fields are in monthly files with one variable per file. Files are compressed with a deflate level of 6 and chunked to the grid dimension. Please note that as 11-01-2021 all months in the database from 202011 up to 202101 are considered ERA5T.
Please note that even if the output of sst and siconc is available hourly from CDS API, it only change one time a day, so it was downloaded only at 12Z.
{| width="600" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;t2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;d2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre dewpoint temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;cp
| &nbsp;'''Convective precipitation [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;tp
| &nbsp;'''Total precipitation [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;u10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre U wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;v10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre V wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;e
| &nbsp;'''Evaporation [m of water equivalent]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;rsn
| &nbsp;'''Snow density [kg m**-3]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sd
| &nbsp;'''Snow depth (snow water equivalent) [m of water equivalent]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sf
| &nbsp;'''Snowfall [m of water equivalent]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;skt
| &nbsp;'''Skin temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;msl
| &nbsp;'''Mean sea level pressure [Pa]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sp
| &nbsp;'''Surface pressure [Pa]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;ro
| &nbsp;'''Runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;sro
| &nbsp;'''Surface runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;ssro
| &nbsp;'''Sub-surface runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;slhf
| &nbsp;'''Surface latent heat flux [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;sshf
| &nbsp;'''Surface sensible heat flux [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;ssr
| &nbsp;'''Surface net solar radiation [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;str
| &nbsp;'''Surface net thermal radiation [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;cape
| &nbsp;'''Convective available potential energy [J kg**-1]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;tcwv
| &nbsp;'''Total column water vapour [kg m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;z
| &nbsp;'''Geopotential at 500 hPa (z_500) [m2/s2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sst
| &nbsp;'''Sea surface temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;siconc
| &nbsp;'''Sea ice area fraction [%]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;analysis
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''NetCDF format''': ~archive/archive/REANALYSES/ERA5 <br>
==== SST & sea ice fraction (RPN only) ====
Even though these fields are available 1-hourly, they change over ocean only once a day between 22Z and 23Z. Therefore we only have these fields once per day at 12Z.<br>
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp; TM
| &nbsp;''' sea surface temperature [°K]'''
| &nbsp; GL
| '''&nbsp; sea ice fraction [0-1]'''
Note: Units are given for RPN format. For units in NetCDF format check inside files!<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''RPN format'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : ~data/ReAnalysis/ERA5/SST_SeaIce<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''RPN format'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : ~winger/projects/rrg-laprise/GEM_Data/SST_SeaIce_degK/ERA5<br>
==== 3-D fields (RPN only) ====
1-hourly from 1979 to current. We keep adding recent months upon request.<br>
The following fields are available on these '''pressure levels''':<br>
  1000, 975, 950, 925, 900, 875, 850, 825, 800, 775, 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 500,
  450, 400, 350, 300, 250, 225, 200, 175, 150, 125, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp; TT
| &nbsp;''' air temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp; HU
| '''&nbsp; specific humidity [0-1]'''
| &nbsp; GZ
| '''&nbsp; geopotential [dm]'''
| &nbsp; UU
| '''&nbsp; u-wind [knots]'''
| &nbsp; VV
| '''&nbsp; v-wind [knots]'''
Note: Units are given for RPN format. For units in NetCDF format check inside files!<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''RPN format'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : ~data/ReAnalysis/ERA5/Pilots<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''RPN format'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : ~/projects/rrg-laprise/GEM_Data/Driving_data/ERA5<br>
=== ERA5 Preliminary backextension 1950-1978 ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''195001 to 197812'''<br>
&nbsp; Horizontal grid&nbsp;: '''0.25° global'''
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1-hourly for all variables except sst and siconc which are daily'''<br>
ERA5 (Hersbach et al., 2019) est la dernière version des réanalyses de ECMWF. Plusieurs sources d’informations sont assimillées dans le cadre de la réanalyse ERA5 comme les observations de stations de surface, les observations satellitaires, les METAR, etc. Les données ont été téléchargés à partir du Climate Data Store de Copernicus (C3S, 2017). L'extension 1950-1978 est considérée comme étant préliminaire dû à un problème avec la vitesse des vents dans les cyclones tropicaux. L'utilisation de ces données pour l'étude des cyclones tropicaux n'est donc pas appropriée. <br>
==== 2-D fields (NetCDF only) ====
{| width="600" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;t2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;d2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre dewpoint temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;cp
| &nbsp;'''Convective precipitation [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;tp
| &nbsp;'''Total precipitation [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;u10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre U wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;v10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre V wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;msl
| &nbsp;'''Mean sea level pressure [Pa]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sd
| &nbsp;'''snow depth (snow water equivalent) [m of water equivalent]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;skt
| &nbsp;'''Skin temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;ro
| &nbsp;'''Runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;sro
| &nbsp;'''Surface runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;ssro
| &nbsp;'''Sub-surface runoff [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;slhf
| &nbsp;'''Surface latent heat flux [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;sshf
| &nbsp;'''Surface sensible heat flux [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;ssr
| &nbsp;'''Surface net solar radiation [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;str
| &nbsp;'''Surface net thermal radiation [J m**-2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;cape
| &nbsp;'''Convective available potential energy [J kg**-1]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;z
| &nbsp;'''Geopotential at 500 hPa (z_500) [m2/s2]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sst
| &nbsp;'''Sea surface temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;siconc
| &nbsp;'''Sea ice area fraction [%]'''
| &nbsp;daily
| &nbsp;analysis
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''NetCDF format''': ~archive/archive/REANALYSES/ERA5_prel_back_extension <br>
=== ERA5-Land ===
ERA5-Land (Muñoz Sabater, 2019) est une simulation hors-ligne du modèle de surface à 0.1° qui est forcé par les réanalyses ERA5. Il n’y a pas d’assimilation de données. Toutefois, les observations atmosphériques s’y retrouvent indirectement via le forçage. Ces données peuvent être très utiles dans des endroits où il y a peu d’observations au niveau de la surface. Les données ont été téléchargés à partir du Climate Data Store de Copernicus (C3S, 2019)
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''198101-202011'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.1°'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1-hourly'''<br>
==== 2-D fields (NetCDF only) ====
{| width="600" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;t2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;d2m
| &nbsp;'''2 metre dewpoint temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;tp
| &nbsp;'''Total precipitation [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;u10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre U wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;v10
| &nbsp;'''10 metre V wind component [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;sd
| &nbsp;'''Snow depth (snow water equivalent) [m of water equivalent]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
| &nbsp;sde
| &nbsp;'''Snow depth (physical snow depth) [m]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;forecast
| &nbsp;skt
| &nbsp;'''Skin temperature [K]'''
| &nbsp;1-hourly
| &nbsp;analysis
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '''NetCDF format''': ~archive/archive/REANALYSES/ERA5-Land <br>
=== AMMA  ===
Period&nbsp;: 200605 - 200609<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: Atlantic Africa area, 0.5x0.5deg<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; http://bddamma.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/ecmwf-amma-re-analysis-2.html<br>Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/AMMA<br>Data policy: http://bddamma.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/data-policy.html<br>Before using these data please read the [http://pascal.sca.uqam.ca/~winger/Documents/UsageRestrictions.docx '''CONDITIONS&nbsp;OF&nbsp;USE''']<br><br>'''2-D fields:&nbsp; '''<br>
{| width="400" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| MG
| Land-sea mask
| [0-1]
| GZ
| Geopotential
| dam
| PN
| Mean sea level pressure
| hPa
| J8
| Skin temperature
| Kelvin
| TM
| Kelvin
| TT
| 2m temperature
| <sup>o</sup>C
| UU
| 10m U wind component
| knots
| VV
| 10m V wind component
| knots
| PC
| Convective precipitation
| m/s
| AE
| Large scale precipitation
| m/s
| AL<br>
| Albedo
| [0-1]
| IWVM<br>
| Total column water vapor
| kg/m<sup>2</sup>
<br>'''Fields on pressure levels: '''1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1<br>
{| width="400" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| TT
| Air temperature<br>
| <sup>o</sup>C
| UU
| U wind component<br>
| knots
| VV
| V wind component<br>
| knots
| WW
| Vertical wind component
| Pa/s
| QR
| Relative vorticity<br>
| s<sup>-1</sup>
| HR
| Relative humidity
| &nbsp;%
| GZ
| Geopotential
| dam
<br>'''Fields on model levels: '''<br>
{| width="400" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| PR
| Total precipitation<br>
| m/s
=== JRA25  ===
Period&nbsp;: 197901 - 201212<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 289x145 (1.25 deg) L grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Vertical info&nbsp;: 23 pressure levels from 0.4 hPa to 1000 hPa<br>Documentation&nbsp;: http://jra.kishou.go.jp/JRA-25/AboutJRA25_en.html<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; http://jra.kishou.go.jp/JRA-25/JRA25quality_en.html<br>Driving data&nbsp;:&nbsp; Atmospheric driving data on pressure levels
Location&nbsp;: ~data/Driving_data/Pilots/JRA25
= Analysis  =
=== CaPA  ===
&nbsp; Periods&nbsp;: '''June 2011/12/13/14/15''' and '''201601 - 201712'''<br>
&nbsp; Horizontal grid&nbsp;: '''North America''' (regional model)<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''~10 km'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''6- and 24-hourly'''<br>
&nbsp; Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; CMC/RPN<br>
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CaPA <br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| PR
| Total precipitation
| m/s
| Standard error
=== CaPA_fine ===
&nbsp; Periods&nbsp;: '''201803 - 202101'''<br>
&nbsp; Horizontal grid&nbsp;: '''North America''' (regional model)<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''2.5 km'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''6-hourly'''<br>
&nbsp; Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; CMC/RPN (downloaded through CaSPAr (Mai et al., 2020))<br>
&nbsp; Location (RPN) &nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CaPA_fine <br>
&nbsp; Location (NetCDF) &nbsp;: /focus/roberge/Analyse/HRDPA_operationnel_fixed <br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
! scope="col" | NAME
! scope="col" | DESCRIPTION
! scope="col" | UNIT
| PR
| Total precipitation
| m/s
&nbsp; Attention : For the NetCDF format, the unit is is m/6h. <br>
&nbsp; Contact : roberge.francois@uqam.ca <br>
=== ECMWF  ===
Period&nbsp;: 199609 - 200807<br> Horizontal grid&nbsp;: 181x91 (2.0 deg) L grid (CMC/RPN)<br>Vertical info&nbsp;: 18 pressure levels from 10 hPa to 1000 hPa<br>Data source&nbsp;:&nbsp; Colin Jones, SMHI<br><br>Driving data&nbsp;:&nbsp; Atmospheric driving data on pressure levels<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SST &amp; sea ice <br><br>Location&nbsp;: marvin:/local/sata1/data/ECMWF
=== Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) Daily Snow Depth Analysis Data  ===
The data and documentation can be accessed from here: http://nsidc.org/data/nsidc-0447. The dataset contains snow depth and snow water equivalent variables.
= Observations  =
=== CaLDAS ===
CaLDAS (Canadian Land Data Assimilation System) est un ensemble de données à 0.0225° basé sur l’assimilation de données satellitaires et de surface. C’est un produit ensembliste avec 25 membres disponible à chaque 3 heures. L’épaisseur de neige est analysée, mais pas le SWE directement. Afin de créer, une valeur “analysée” de SWE, l’épaisseur de neige analysée a été multiplié par la densité de la neige simulée. Les données ont été téléchargés à partir de CaSPAr (Canadian Surface Prediction Archive) (Mai et al., 2019).<br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''201809 - 201908'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Canada'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.0225°'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''3-hourly'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;: ???
=== CMORPH  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''2003 - '''<span style="font-weight: bold;">2010</span>, there are '''<span style="font-weight: bold;">missing time periods</span>''''''!!!'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''60°N - 60°S'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.25 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''3-hourly'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation rate [m/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CMORPH<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/janowiak/cmorph_description.html<br>
=== CPC_USA  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''194801 - 201212'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Continental USA'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.25 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily &amp; monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CPC_USA<br>&nbsp; Documentation&nbsp;: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.unified.html<br>
=== CRU  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 200212'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 212px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [mm/day]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;DTR<br>
| &nbsp;'''diurnal temperature range [°C]'''<br>
| &nbsp;NF
| &nbsp;'''2-D cloud cover [0-1]'''
| &nbsp;FRS
| &nbsp;'''frost days [days]'''
| &nbsp;WET<br>
| &nbsp;'''wet days [days]'''<br>
| &nbsp;VAP
| &nbsp;'''vapor pressure [hPa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CRU<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg<br> <br>
=== CRU_TS_3.1  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 200912'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;DTR<br>
| &nbsp;'''diurnal temperature range [°C]'''<br>
| &nbsp;NF
| &nbsp;'''2-D cloud cover [0-1]'''
| &nbsp;FRS
| &nbsp;'''frost days [days]'''
| &nbsp;WET<br>
| &nbsp;'''wet days [days]'''
| &nbsp;VAP
| &nbsp;'''vapor pressure [hPa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CRU_TS_3.1<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg
=== CRU_TS_3.23  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 201412'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;NF
| &nbsp;'''2-D cloud cover [0-1]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CRU_TS_3.23<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg
=== CRU_TS_3.24.01  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 201512'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;NF
| &nbsp;'''2-D cloud cover [0-1]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CRU_TS_3.24.01/RPN<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg
=== CRU_TS_4.03  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 201812'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;DTR<br>
| &nbsp;'''diurnal temperature range [°C]'''<br>
| &nbsp;NF
| &nbsp;'''2-D cloud cover [0-1]'''
| &nbsp;FRS
| &nbsp;'''frost days [days]'''
| &nbsp;WET<br>
| &nbsp;'''wet days [days]'''
| &nbsp;VAP
| &nbsp;'''vapor pressure [hPa]'''
| &nbsp;PET
| &nbsp;'''potential evapotranspiration [mm/day]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/CRU_TS_4.03<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg
=== Daymet V3 ===
Daymet (Thornton et al., 2016; Thornton et al., 1997) est un ensemble de données à 1 km sur une projection conique conforme de Lambert issu de l’interpolation de données de station. Les données sont disponibles une fois par jour. La valeur de SWE disponible dans daymet a été été calculée dans le cadre de l’algorithme de calcul de la radiation solaire quotidienne afin d’en réduire le biais et donc est une valeur estimée. La température moyenne quotidienne de l'air est calculée à partir de la température minimale et maximale pour chaque jour de la façon suivante : tavg=0.5*(tmax+tmin).<br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''1980 - 2019'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''North America, land only; grid: lambert conformal conic'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1 km'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily values'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;prcp
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [mm/day]'''
| &nbsp;tavg
| &nbsp;'''daily average temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;tmin<br>
| '''&nbsp;daily minimum temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;tmax<br>
| '''&nbsp;daily maximum temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;swe
| &nbsp;'''snow water equivalent [kg/m2]'''
| &nbsp;vp
| &nbsp;'''daily average vapor pressure [Pa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~archive/archive/OBSERVATIONS/Daymet_1km_v3<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;:  https://daac.ornl.gov/DAYMET/guides/Daymet_V3_CFMosaics.html
=== Daymet V4 ===
Daymet (Thornton et al., 2020; Thornton et al., 1997) est un ensemble de données à 1 km sur une projection conique conforme de Lambert issu de l’interpolation de données de station. Les données sont disponibles une fois par jour. La valeur de SWE disponible dans daymet a été été calculée dans le cadre de l’algorithme de calcul de la radiation solaire quotidienne afin d’en réduire le biais et donc est une valeur estimée. La température moyenne quotidienne de l'air est calculée à partir de la température minimale et maximale pour chaque jour de la façon suivante : tavg=0.5*(tmax+tmin).<br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''1980 - 2019'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''North America, land only; grid: lambert conformal conic'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1 km'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily values'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;prcp
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [mm/day]'''
| &nbsp;tavg
| &nbsp;'''daily average temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;tmin<br>
| '''&nbsp;daily minimum temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;tmax<br>
| '''&nbsp;daily maximum temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;swe
| &nbsp;'''snow water equivalent [kg/m2]'''
| &nbsp;vp
| &nbsp;'''daily average vapor pressure [Pa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~archive/archive/OBSERVATIONS/Daymet_1km_v4<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;:  https://daac.ornl.gov/DAYMET/guides/Daymet_Daily_V4.html
=== E-Obs ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''1950 - 2012'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Europe, land only'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.25°'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily values'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;TT
| &nbsp;'''2m temperature [°C]'''
| &nbsp;T5<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m min temperature [°K]'''
| &nbsp;T9<br>
| '''&nbsp;2m max temperature [°K]'''
| &nbsp;PN
| &nbsp;'''sea level pressure [hPa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/E-Obs<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;:  https://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/download.php
=== GLDAS ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''197901 - 201205'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''quasi global (90°N - 60°S), land only'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1.0 deg'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="514" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp; TRAF
| '''&nbsp;surface runoff'''
| &nbsp;'''[mm/s]'''
| &nbsp; TDRA
| &nbsp;'''bottom drainage'''
| &nbsp;'''[mm/s]'''
| &nbsp; AD
| &nbsp;'''surface thermal radiation downwards'''
| &nbsp;'''[W/m<sup>2</sup>]'''
| &nbsp; N4
| &nbsp;'''surface solar radiation downwards = AS/(1-AL(5)) '''<br>
| '''&nbsp;[W/m<sup>2</sup>]'''
| &nbsp; PR
| &nbsp;'''total precipitation'''
| '''&nbsp;[m/s]'''
| &nbsp; N2
| &nbsp;'''rainfall, liquid precipitation'''
| &nbsp;'''[m/s]'''
| &nbsp; SN
| &nbsp;'''snowfall'''
| &nbsp;'''[m/s]'''
| &nbsp; MS
| &nbsp;'''snowmelt'''
| &nbsp;'''[mm/s]'''
| &nbsp; I1I2
| &nbsp;'''soil moisture<br>&nbsp;3 layers: 0.00-0.10, 0.10-'''''''''1.60''', 1.60-1.90'''''
| &nbsp;'''[m<sup>3</sup>/m<sup>3</sup>]'''
| &nbsp; TCWS
| &nbsp;'''total canopy water storage'''
| '''&nbsp;[kg/m<sup>2</sup>]'''
| &nbsp; I5
| &nbsp;'''SWE, snow water equivalent'''
| &nbsp;'''[kg/m<sup>2</sup>]'''
| &nbsp; EVAP
| &nbsp;'''evaporation'''
| &nbsp;'''[mm/s]'''
| &nbsp; HU
| &nbsp;'''near-surface specific humidity'''
| &nbsp;'''[kg/kg]'''
| &nbsp; UV
| &nbsp;'''near-surface wind speed'''
| &nbsp;'''[knots]'''
| &nbsp; TT
| &nbsp;'''near-surface temperature '''<br>
| &nbsp;'''[<sup>0</sup>C]'''
| &nbsp; P0
| &nbsp;'''surface pressure'''
| '''&nbsp;[hPa]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GLDAS/RPN<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: Samira Ben Said<br>
=== GlobSnow  ===
Globsnow 3.0 (Luojus et al., 2020) est un ensemble de données à 25 km sur une projection azimutale équivalente de Lambert sur l’hémisphère nord issu de l’assimilation de données de stations ainsi que des données satellitaires. Les données sont disponibles une fois par mois (une version journalière est disponible également). Il faut faire attention de la façon dont ses données sont utilisées, car la présence de « flag » ayant des valeurs négatives y figurent. Ex : -1 pour l’eau et -2 pour les montagnes. L’interpolation sans prêter attention aux flags pourraient causer ces « flags » d’être « mélangées » avec des données environnantes. Une version avec correction du biais de février à mai est aussi disponible.<br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''197909 - 201305'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Northern hemisphere'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''25 X 25 km'''<sup>'''2'''</sup>&nbsp;'''(EASE-grid)'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="478" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp; SWE_avg
| &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Snow water equivalent,</span>'''monthly average [mm]'''
| &nbsp; SWE_max
| &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Snow water equivalent,</span>'''monthly maximum [mm]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GlobSnow<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: Sasha Huziy<br>
=== GRDC  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''climatology'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''83°N - 55.5°S<span style="font-weight: bold;">, with missing values</span>'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''climatology, annual &amp; monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp; RFAC
| &nbsp; '''total runoff [mm/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GRDC<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.grdc.sr.unh.edu/html/Runoff/index.html<br>
=== GPCC_v7_05 ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''190101 - 201312'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global, land only'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp; S
| &nbsp;'''number of gauges [#]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GPCC_v7_05<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: ftp://ftp.dwd.de/pub/data/gpcc/html/fulldata_v7_doi_download.html
=== GPCP2  ===
&nbsp; Period: v1.1: '''199610 - 200906'''<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; v1.2: '''199610 - 201502'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global''', with a few missing values<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''1.0 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily &amp; monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GPCP2<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.gpcp.html<br>
=== GPCP_v2.2  ===
&nbsp; Period: '''197901 - 201510'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''2.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation [m/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/GPCP_v2.2/Monthly_means<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.gpcp.html<br>
=== IMERG  ===
Multi-satellite precipitation product for the U.S. GPM team. The precipitation estimates from the various precipitation-relevant satellite passive microwave (PMW) sensors comprising the GPM constellation are computed using the 2017 version of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF2017), then gridded, intercalibrated to the GPM Combined Ku Radar-Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA) product, and merged into half-hourly 0.1°x0.1° (roughly 10x10 km) fields. The data contains multiple fields that provide information on the input data, selected intermediate fields, and estimation quality. In general, the complete calibrated precipitation, precipitationCal, is the data field of choice for most users.<br>
This is the "Final", satellite-gauge product, using both forward and backward morphing and including monthly gauge analyses.
For more information read the file README.txt that can be found with the data - see location below. <br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''200006 - 202010'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Global<span style="font-weight: bold;">, with missing values</span>'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.1 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''30 minutely'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;precipitationCal&nbsp;
| '''&nbsp;complete&nbsp;calibrated&nbsp;precipitation&nbsp;[mm/hr]&nbsp;'''
| &nbsp; others
| &nbsp;'''original fields'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/IMERG<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: https://gpm1.gesdisc.eosdis.nasa.gov/data/GPM_L3/GPM_3IMERGHH.06<br>
=== MODIS  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''2012'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''North America<span style="font-weight: bold;">, land only</span>'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''8 daily'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp; LAI
| &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">leaf area index</span>'''[???]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/MODIS<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: RPN<br>
=== podaac  ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''201101 - 201609'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''Global'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.2 degrees'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="478" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp; SIC
| &nbsp; <span style="font-weight: bold;">Sea surface temperature</span>
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/podaac<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: Nicolas Gasset; https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/CMC0.2deg-CMC-L4-GLOB-v2.0<br>
=== SNODAS ===
SNODAS (Barrett, 2003) est un ensemble de données à 0.0083° basé sur l’assimilation de données satellitaires et de surface. L’assimilation a lieu à chaque jour à 06:00 UTC. Seulement ce pas de temps est disponible et sauvegarder pour archivage. Les données ont été téléchargés à partir du site du National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC, 2004). Les fichiers originaux SNODAS sont sur un format binaire int16. Ils doivent êtres géoréférencées sur une projection WGS84 avec GDAL. <br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''200912 - 202012'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''CONUS and south of Canada'''<br>
&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.0083°'''<br>
&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''daily'''<br>
&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="287" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;SNWZ<br>
| '''&nbsp;Snow depth [mm]'''
| &nbsp;SWE
| &nbsp;'''Snow water equivalent [mm]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~archive/archive/OBSERVATIONS/SNODAS <br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;:  https://nsidc.org/data/g02158
=== TRMM  ===
<u>'''Version 6'''</u>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''199801 - '''<span style="font-weight: bold;">200912</span><br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''50°N - 50°S<span style="font-weight: bold;">, with missing values</span>'''<br>&nbsp; '''WARNING: Data before February 2000 &amp; north of 40°N might not be trustworthy!!!'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.25 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''3-hourly, daily &amp; monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp;PR
| &nbsp;'''precipitation rate [m/s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/TRMM<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: Grigory Nicolin, SMHI<br>
<u>'''Version 7'''</u><br>
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''199801 - '''<span style="font-weight: bold;">201501</span><br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''50°N - 50°S<span style="font-weight: bold;">, with missing values</span>'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.25 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''3-hourly'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| width="364" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1"
| &nbsp;RT
| &nbsp;'''precipitation rate [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;HQRT
| &nbsp;'''high quality precipitation rate [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;IRRT
| &nbsp;'''IR precipitation rate [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;RTER
| &nbsp;'''precipitation RMS error [m/s]'''
| &nbsp;PSRC
| &nbsp;'''precipitation source [1-50]'''
| &nbsp;TIME
| &nbsp;'''observation time [s]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/TRMM/3_hourly_v7<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov<br>&nbsp; '''Information'''&nbsp;: http://mirador.gsfc.nasa.gov/collections/TRMM_3B42__007.shtml<br>
=== UDel - Willmott &amp; Matsuura ===
&nbsp; Period&nbsp;: '''1900 - 2017'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial coverage&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''global<span style="font-weight: bold;">, land only</span>'''<br>&nbsp; Spacial resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''0.5 deg'''<br>&nbsp; Temporal resolution&nbsp;:&nbsp; '''monthly means'''<br>&nbsp; Fields&nbsp;:
{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="1" style="width: 287px; height: 11px;"
| &nbsp; PR
| &nbsp; '''precipitation [m/s]'''
| &nbsp; TT
| &nbsp; '''2m temperature [°C]'''
&nbsp; Location&nbsp;: ~data/Validation/UDel<br>&nbsp; Source&nbsp;: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.UDel_AirT_Precip.html#plot<br>
= References =
• Barrett, A. (2003). National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Products at NSIDC. NSIDC Special Report 11. Boulder: National Snow and Ice Data Center, p.19 pp.
• Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2017): ERA5: Fifth generation of ECMWF atmospheric reanalyses of the global climate. Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS), date of access. https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/home
• Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2019): ERA5-Land reanalysis. Copernicus Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS), 2019-2020. https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/home
• Carrera, M., Bélair, S., & Bilodeau, B. (2015). The Canadian Land Data Assimilation System (CaLDAS): Description and Synthetic Evaluation Study. Journal Of Hydrometeorology, 16(3), 1293-1314. doi: 10.1175/jhm-d-14-0089.1
• Hersbach, H, Bell, W, Berrisford, P, Horányi, A, J., M-S, Nicolas, J, Radu, R, Schepers, D, Simmons, A, Soci, C, Dee, D. (2019) Global reanalysis: goodbye ERA-Interim, hello ERA5; Newsletter Feature Article. ECMWF Newsletter, https://www.ecmwf.int/node/19027, 10.21957/vf291hehd7.
• Luojus, Kari; Pulliainen, Jouni; Takala, Matias; Lemmetyinen, Juha; Moisander, Mikko (2020): GlobSnow v3.0 snow water equivalent (SWE). PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.911944
• Mai, J., Kornelsen, K., Tolson, B., Fortin, V., Gasset, N., & Bouhemhem, D. et al. (2020). The Canadian Surface Prediction Archive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modeling in Canada and Globally. Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/bams-d-19-0143.1
• Muñoz Sabater, J. (2019). First ERA5-Land dataset to be released this spring. ECMWF Newsletter, 159, 8-9. https://www.ecmwf.int/node/19001
• National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC). 2004. Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Data Products at NSIDC, Version 1. Unmasked data. Boulder, Colorado USA. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center. 2020. https://doi.org/10.7265/N5TB14TC
• Thornton, P., Running, S., & White, M. (1997). Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal Of Hydrology, 190(3-4), 214-251. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-1694(96)03128-9
• Thornton, P.E., M.M. Thornton, B.W. Mayer, Y. Wei, R. Devarakonda, R.S. Vose, and R.B. Cook. 2016. Daymet: Daily Surface Weather Data on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1328
• Thornton, P.E., R. Shrestha, M.M. Thornton, S.C. Kao, Y. Wei, and B.E. Wilson. 2020. Gridded daily weather data for North America with comprehensive uncertainty quantification – Daymet version 4. https://daymet.ornl.gov/files/Thornton_Daymet_V4_submitted_2021-01-20.pdf

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