SPS 1.1.0 run : Différence entre versions

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m (making runs with SPS 1.1.0 executable)
(19 révisions intermédiaires par 2 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
=== building of SPS 1.1.0 executable based on GEM 4.6.2, physics 5.6.8, INTEL fortran 14.0.2/14.0.4 ===
== SPS 1.1.0 based on GEM 4.6.2, physics 5.6.8, INTEL fortran 14.0.2/14.0.4 ==
  NOTE: environment variable storage_model MUST BE DEFINED
=== building the SPS 1.1.0 executable ===
==== NEW WAY ====
NOTE: environment variable '''storage_model''' MUST BE DEFINED
(uses github for public code)
==== NEW WAY ====
#    (uses github for public code)
  git clone https://github.com/mfvalin/SPS my_sps
  git clone https://github.com/mfvalin/SPS my_sps
  cd my_sps
  cd my_sps
Ligne 13: Ligne 16:
  make sps              # build executable
  make sps              # build executable
  linkit                # links to run sps
  linkit                # links to run sps
  sps.ksh                # run sps (test run)
  sps.ksh                # run sps (quick test run)
# time for a stronger test run
mkdir some_demo_run_directory
cp DemoConfigs/* some_demo_run_directory
cp sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs some_demo_run_directory
cd some_demo_run_directory
vi configexp.cfg  # edit exper_archive=... to point it to an existing directory
# configexp.cfg is set for a 3 month run on 2 processors
. s.ssmuse.dot sps/
run_sps.sh 2>&1 | tee run.txt
==== OLD WAY (HISTORICAL, do not use)  ====
(legacy, vanilla, deprecated version)  
==== OLD WAY (HISTORICAL, do not use) ====
(legacy, vanilla, deprecated version)
  . s.ssmuse.dot sps_beta_dev      # acquire software
  . s.ssmuse.dot sps_beta_dev      # acquire software
  mkdir my_sps_dir            # where i want to build
  mkdir my_sps_dir            # where i want to build
Ligne 32: Ligne 52:
  sps.ksh                # run sps
  sps.ksh                # run sps
=== making runs with SPS 1.1.0 executable ===
=== making runs with the SPS 1.1.0 executable ===
  create a directory for the configuration
  create a directory for the configuration
Ligne 39: Ligne 59:
  . s.ssmuse.dot sps/
  . s.ssmuse.dot sps/
  needed ingredients:
  1 - get necessary files  (sample configuration files will be found in the DemoConfigs directory of th edistribution)
  configexp.cfg   (experiment configuration file)
  configexp.cfg         (experiment configuration file)
  sps.cfg               (namelists read by sps executable)
  sps.dict             (special namelists for sps, normally used as is)
  outcfg.out           (output configuration)
  sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs  (sps executable, see above to build it)
  sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs  (sps executable, see above to build it)
  physics_input_table  (table describing physics variables and their interpolation rules)
  dyn_input_table      (table describing dynamics variables and their interpolation rules)
   include directory
2 - edit config files appropriately (do not forget to set dates in configexp.cfg)
   SPS_cfgs directory
   exper.cfg         experiment configuration file
3 - run_sps.sh
   .setenv.dot       setup file
   sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs sps executable
typical contents of configexp.cfg
  SHM              must be a directory or point to one
  exper='experiment_001'                                            # name of the experiment
  Data -> SHM/Data
  #  UM_EXEC_climato, UM_EXEC_geophy, UM_EXEC_inrep, UM_EXEC_anal should be left AS IS
  Data_disk/Input   where climato and Gem_geophy.fst will come from
  storage_model -> SHM/storage_model
  OUT -> __workdir__Linux_x86-64/output/cfg_0000/
  #UM_EXEC_driving_data=$(pwd -P)/driving_data
  SPS_phy_intable=$(pwd -P)/physics_input_table
  SPS_dyn_intable=$(pwd -P)/dyn_input_table
  exper_archive=${HOME}/ARCHIVE                                  # where output is to be sent by post_sps.sh
  exper_climato="${HOME}/project/SPS/Data/Input/climato"          # climatology file
  exper_geophy="${HOME}/project/SPS/Data/Input/Gem_geophy.fst"    # geophysical fields file
  # anal_*_YYYYMMDD or anal_*_YYYYMMDD_yyy  (expected names for initial conditions files)
  exper_anal0=${HOME}/project/SPS_DATA/ANAL/anal_WestNA_0.25_ERA_dyn_v12_PRSF_19790101  # initial conditions file
  exper_anal1=$(pwd -P)/Data_disk/Input/inrep/INI                  # directory where initial conditions can be found
  exper_anal2=${exper_archive}/${exper}                            # directory where initial conditions can be found
  exper_depot1=${MODEL_DATA}/Offline_driving/ERA-Interim_0.75/6h_Analysis  # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
  exper_depot2=${MODEL_DATA}/SST_SeaIce/ERA-Interim_0.75deg                # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
  # date format : YYYYMMDD
  exper_start_date=19790101                                        # start date (MUST start on the first day of a month)
  exper_end_date=19800104                                          # last date (ignored if > exper_fold_date)
  extra_time=00:00:00                                              # added to end_date
  exper_fold_date=19850201                                          # "back to the past" date (ignored if > exper_end_date)
  exper_delta='1month'                                              # MUST be 1month for now
  exper_deltat=21600                                                # 6 hour time step
  exper_cpu_config='--verbosity=error --ptopo=4x4x1'                # configuration for sps.ksh
  exper_cpu_config2='--verbosity=error --ptopo=3x3x1'              # alternate configuration for sps.ksh
  # the following variables get read and adjusted by pre_sps.sh, run_sps.sh, and post_sps.sh
  #  exper_current_date   is the starting date for the current monthly step
  #  exper_current_year    is the current year number in this multi year integration (should start at 1)
  #                        if exper_current_year == 0 , no extension is used for outputs or initial conditions
  #  exper_cycle_year      is the number of years to run
example of physics_input_table for ISBA
in=MG;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near; 
in=LH;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y7;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y8;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y9;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=GA;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=ZP;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=VF;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;    levels= 1,26;
in=VG;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=ME;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=J1;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;    levels= 1,3;
in=J2;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;    levels= 1,3;
in=FSA;  freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,4;
in=SLA;  freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,4;
in=AL;    freq=0; search=GEOP,CLIM; interp=near;    timeint=any; #etk=NO SNOW
in=TSG;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,8;
in=GLD;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GLF;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GVOL;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GVLT;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=ITGL;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,16;
in=TM;   freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;      interp=linear;  timeint=linear
in=I0;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;    levels= 1,2;
in=I1;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;    levels= 1,2;
in=I2;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;    levels= 1,2;
in=I3;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I4;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I6;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I7;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,3;
in=I8;    freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;    timeint=linear
in=I9;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,2;
in=DN;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=SD;   freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;    levels= 1,5; timeint=linear
in=LG;   freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP; interp=near;    timeint=linear
in=HS;   freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;    timeint=linear
in=ICEL;  freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;    timeint=linear
in=XA;   freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=AD;  freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;    interp=linear;  timeint=linear
in=N4;  freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;    interp=linear;  timeint=linear
in=PR; freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;    interp=linear;  timeint=next
in=MF;  freq=0;  search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=BME;  freq=0;  search=GEOP;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,8;
in=BFR;  freq=0;  search=GEOP;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,8;
in=PRSF; freq=0;  search=GEOP;      interp=linear;  levels= 1,12;
in=GLNM; freq=0;  search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
example sps.cfg
Grd_typ_S    = 'LU'
Grd_dx        =    0.25
Grd_dy          =    0.25
Grd_ni        =  144 
Grd_nj          =  115
Grd_iref      =  82 
Grd_jref        =  60
Grd_latr      =   0.0
Grd_lonr        =  180.0
Grd_xlat1    =  57.5
Grd_xlon1       = -130.
Grd_xlat2    =   0. 
Grd_xlon2      =  -40.
Step_runstrt_S = '19790101.000000'
Step_dt = 21600.
Step_gstat = 12
Step_bkup  = -1
Step_total = 124
Lvl_typ_S = 'HU'
Lvl_ptop_8 = 10.0
Lvl_NoTopThL_L = .false.
Lvl_Tlift_L = .false.
ip1a = 93423264
int_accu_S = 'CONST'
adapt_L = .FALSE.
lapserate = 0.0065
read_hu_L = .TRUE.
schmsol = 'ISBA' ,
LIMSNODP  = .true.,
ICEMELT  = .true.,
== SPS 5.8.3 based on GEM 4.8.3, physics 5.8.3, INTEL fortran 14.0.2/14.0.4 ==
available on UQAM servers, availability on guillimin to follow soon
=== using SPS 5.8.3 (always necessary before any of the following actions)  ===
. s.ssmuse.dot sps/5.8.3
make sure that ${HOME}/ARCHIVE points to archival space
NOTE: environment variable '''storage_model''' MUST BE DEFINED
=== DEMO SPS 5.8.3  ===
  mkdir my_directory
  cd my_directory
  get_sps_demo_configs  # get a working set of config files
sps will run with a demo configuration and data for 12 months (19790101 -> 19800101)
=== building the SPS 5.8.3 executable  ===
mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
make dep
make sps
the executable will be found at
typical contents of .setenv.dot
=== running SPS 5.8.3  ===
  source s.ssmuse.dot fulldev-ifort15 sps_1.1.0.1_all@SPS_1.1.0_intel15 python-2.7.7 task-setup model_data
  [[ -z $COMP_ARCH ]] && echo ERROR: COMP_ARCH is not defined && return
  export sps=$(pwd)
  typical contents of configexp.cfg
  same steps as the demo, but with your own config files pointing
  exper='experiment_001'                                            # name of the experiment
to your driving data and probably your own executable
  exper_archive=$(pwd -P)/ARCHIVE                                  # where output is to be sent by post_sps.sh
  # anal_*_YYYYMMDD or anal_*_YYYYMMDD_yyy
  exper_anal1=$(pwd -P)/Data_disk/Input/inrep/INI                  # where initial conditions can be found by pre_sps.sh
  exper_anal2=${exper_archive}/${exper}                            # where initial conditions can be found by pre_sps.sh
  exper_depot1=${MODEL_DATA}/Offline_driving/ERA-Interim_0.75/6h_Analysis  # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
  exper_depot2=${MODEL_DATA}/SST_SeaIce/ERA-Interim_0.75deg                # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
  exper_start_date=19790101                                        # initial date
  exper_end_date=19800101                                          # last date (unused if > exper_fold_date)
  exper_fold_date=19850201                                          # "back to the past" date (unused if > exper_end_date)
  exper_delta='1month'                                              # MUST be 1month for now
  exper_cpu_config='--verbosity=error --ptopo=4x4x1'                # configuration for sps.ksh
  exper_cpu_config2='--verbosity=error --ptopo=3x3x1'              # alternate configuration for sps.ksh
  # the following variables get read and adjusted by pre_sps.sh, run_sps.sh, and post_sps.sh
  #  exper_current_date    is the starting date for the current monthly step
  #  exper_current_year    is the current year number in this multi year integration (should start at 1)
  #                        if exper_current_year == 0 , no extension is used for outputs or initial conditions
  #  exper_cycle_year      is the number of years to run

Version actuelle datée du 16 de décembre 2016 à 17:00

SPS 1.1.0 based on GEM 4.6.2, physics 5.6.8, INTEL fortran 14.0.2/14.0.4

building the SPS 1.1.0 executable

NOTE: environment variable storage_model MUST BE DEFINED


#     (uses github for public code)
git clone https://github.com/mfvalin/SPS my_sps
cd my_sps
. ./.setenv.dot
rde mklink             # links to compile sps
rde mkdep              # create Makefile and dependencies
make obj               # compile
make sps               # build executable
linkit                 # links to run sps
sps.ksh                # run sps (quick test run)
# time for a stronger test run
mkdir some_demo_run_directory
cp DemoConfigs/* some_demo_run_directory
cp sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs some_demo_run_directory
cd some_demo_run_directory
vi configexp.cfg   # edit exper_archive=... to point it to an existing directory
# configexp.cfg is set for a 3 month run on 2 processors
. s.ssmuse.dot sps/
run_sps.sh 2>&1 | tee run.txt

OLD WAY (HISTORICAL, do not use)

(legacy, vanilla, deprecated version)

. s.ssmuse.dot sps_beta_dev       # acquire software
mkdir my_sps_dir            # where i want to build
u.get_sps_beta my_sps_dir   # get the source
cd my_sps_dir
. ./.setenv.dot
ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -m unlimited
ulimit -d unlimited
rde mklink             # links to compile sps
rde mkdep              # create Makefile and dependencies
make obj               # compile
make sps               # build executable
linkit                 # links to run sps
sps.ksh                # run sps

making runs with the SPS 1.1.0 executable

create a directory for the configuration
mkdir SPS_run_directory
cd SPS_run_directory
. s.ssmuse.dot sps/

1 - get necessary files  (sample configuration files will be found in the DemoConfigs directory of th edistribution)
 configexp.cfg         (experiment configuration file)
 sps.cfg               (namelists read by sps executable)
 sps.dict              (special namelists for sps, normally used as is)
 outcfg.out            (output configuration)
 sps_Linux_x86-64.Abs  (sps executable, see above to build it)
 physics_input_table   (table describing physics variables and their interpolation rules)
 dyn_input_table       (table describing dynamics variables and their interpolation rules)

2 - edit config files appropriately (do not forget to set dates in configexp.cfg)

3 - run_sps.sh
typical contents of configexp.cfg
 exper='experiment_001'                                            # name of the experiment
 #   UM_EXEC_climato, UM_EXEC_geophy, UM_EXEC_inrep, UM_EXEC_anal should be left AS IS
 #UM_EXEC_driving_data=$(pwd -P)/driving_data
 SPS_phy_intable=$(pwd -P)/physics_input_table
 SPS_dyn_intable=$(pwd -P)/dyn_input_table
 exper_archive=${HOME}/ARCHIVE                                   # where output is to be sent by post_sps.sh
 exper_climato="${HOME}/project/SPS/Data/Input/climato"          # climatology file
 exper_geophy="${HOME}/project/SPS/Data/Input/Gem_geophy.fst"    # geophysical fields file
 # anal_*_YYYYMMDD or anal_*_YYYYMMDD_yyy   (expected names for initial conditions files)
 exper_anal0=${HOME}/project/SPS_DATA/ANAL/anal_WestNA_0.25_ERA_dyn_v12_PRSF_19790101  # initial conditions file
 exper_anal1=$(pwd -P)/Data_disk/Input/inrep/INI                   # directory where initial conditions can be found
 exper_anal2=${exper_archive}/${exper}                             # directory where initial conditions can be found
 exper_depot1=${MODEL_DATA}/Offline_driving/ERA-Interim_0.75/6h_Analysis   # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
 exper_depot2=${MODEL_DATA}/SST_SeaIce/ERA-Interim_0.75deg                 # where driving data can be found by pre_sps.sh
 # date format : YYYYMMDD
 exper_start_date=19790101                                         # start date (MUST start on the first day of a month)
 exper_end_date=19800104                                           # last date (ignored if > exper_fold_date)
 extra_time=00:00:00                                               # added to end_date
 exper_fold_date=19850201                                          # "back to the past" date (ignored if > exper_end_date)
 exper_delta='1month'                                              # MUST be 1month for now
 exper_deltat=21600                                                # 6 hour time step
 exper_cpu_config='--verbosity=error --ptopo=4x4x1'                # configuration for sps.ksh
 exper_cpu_config2='--verbosity=error --ptopo=3x3x1'               # alternate configuration for sps.ksh
 # the following variables get read and adjusted by pre_sps.sh, run_sps.sh, and post_sps.sh
 #   exper_current_date    is the starting date for the current monthly step
 #   exper_current_year    is the current year number in this multi year integration (should start at 1)
 #                         if exper_current_year == 0 , no extension is used for outputs or initial conditions
 #   exper_cycle_year      is the number of years to run
example of physics_input_table for ISBA
in=MG;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;  
in=LH;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y7;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y8;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=Y9;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=GA;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=ZP;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=VF;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;     levels= 1,26; 
in=VG;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=ME;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;
in=J1;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;     levels= 1,3;
in=J2;    freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=near;     levels= 1,3;
in=FSA;   freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,4;
in=SLA;   freq=0; search=GEOP;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,4;
in=AL;    freq=0; search=GEOP,CLIM; interp=near;     timeint=any; #etk=NO SNOW

in=TSG;   freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,8;
in=GLD;   freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GLF;   freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GVOL;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=GVLT;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;
in=ITGL;  freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,16;
in=TM;    freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;      interp=linear;   timeint=linear
in=I0;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;     levels= 1,2; 
in=I1;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;     levels= 1,2;
in=I2;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;     levels= 1,2;
in=I3;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I4;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I6;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=I7;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,3;
in=I8;    freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;     timeint=linear
in=I9;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,2;
in=DN;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;
in=SD;    freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;     levels= 1,5; timeint=linear
in=LG;    freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP; interp=near;     timeint=linear

in=HS;    freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;     timeint=linear
in=ICEL;  freq=0; search=ANAL,CLIM; interp=near;     timeint=linear
in=XA;    freq=0; search=ANAL;      interp=near;

in=AD;  freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;     interp=linear;   timeint=linear
in=N4;  freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;     interp=linear;   timeint=linear
in=PR; freq=0,1; search=ANAL,INREP;     interp=linear;   timeint=next

in=MF;   freq=0;   search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
in=BME;  freq=0;   search=GEOP;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,8;
in=BFR;  freq=0;   search=GEOP;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,8;
in=PRSF; freq=0;   search=GEOP;      interp=linear;   levels= 1,12;
in=GLNM; freq=0;   search=GEOP;      interp=linear;
example sps.cfg

Grd_typ_S     = 'LU'
Grd_dx        =    0.25
Grd_dy          =    0.25
Grd_ni        =  144   
Grd_nj          =  115
Grd_iref      =   82   
Grd_jref        =   60
Grd_latr      =    0.0 
Grd_lonr        =  180.0
Grd_xlat1     =   57.5 
Grd_xlon1       = -130.
Grd_xlat2     =    0.  
Grd_xlon2       =  -40.

Step_runstrt_S = '19790101.000000'
Step_dt = 21600.
Step_gstat = 12
Step_bkup  = -1
Step_total = 124

Lvl_typ_S = 'HU'
Lvl_ptop_8 = 10.0
Lvl_NoTopThL_L = .false.
Lvl_Tlift_L = .false.

ip1a = 93423264
int_accu_S = 'CONST'
adapt_L = .FALSE.
lapserate = 0.0065
read_hu_L = .TRUE.

schmsol = 'ISBA' ,

LIMSNODP  = .true.,
ICEMELT  = .true.,

SPS 5.8.3 based on GEM 4.8.3, physics 5.8.3, INTEL fortran 14.0.2/14.0.4

available on UQAM servers, availability on guillimin to follow soon

using SPS 5.8.3 (always necessary before any of the following actions)

. s.ssmuse.dot sps/5.8.3
make sure that ${HOME}/ARCHIVE points to archival space
NOTE: environment variable storage_model MUST BE DEFINED

DEMO SPS 5.8.3

 mkdir my_directory
 cd my_directory
 get_sps_demo_configs   # get a working set of config files

sps will run with a demo configuration and data for 12 months (19790101 -> 19800101)

building the SPS 5.8.3 executable

mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
make dep
make sps

the executable will be found at

running SPS 5.8.3

same steps as the demo, but with your own config files pointing
to your driving data and probably your own executable