MacOs : Différence entre versions

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* [[Graveur Superdrive ne marche pas sous El Capitan]]  
* [[Graveur Superdrive ne marche pas sous El Capitan]]  
Débrancher le lecteur du port USB, éteindre le Mac, rebrancher le lecteur, redemarrer macintosh.
C'est un bug de MacOs 10.11 El Capitan. Une mise à jour devrait régler ça un de ces jours.
*  [[How to Remotely Turn On (and off) OS X Screen Sharing with ssh]]
*  [[How to Remotely Turn On (and off) OS X Screen Sharing with ssh]]

Version depuis le 21 de janvier 2016 à 18:50

Mavericks - Ce qui change par rapport aux Mac Os anciens.

Pour une connexion Samba, smb:// ne marche plus, car il utilise le protocole smb2, au lieu de smb. 
Pour utiliser smb comme avant, on utilise cifs:// par exemple. 

Annoying bug in OS X Mavericks causes dead slow performance of

In OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Apple introduced very annoying bug that causes temporary freezes every 30 seconds for everyone who is using (so people who work a lot over ssh for example). I have been working with apple on fixing this but, from unknown reason, they did not fix it since it was reported   (17-Jul-2013, case ID: 14467127 dear Apple…).
Reason of this issue is that session state save is very slow compared to 10.8 and it is related to saving state of application. When you have multiple tabs opened in and lot of text in them, OS X begin to struggle when there is time to save the app state (and yes that happens every 30 seconds).
Solution to that is very simple - you need to disable that feature, there is simple command for this:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -int 0
just copy&paste to and restart application. You will immediately feel the difference.
Worth of noting is that this issue is visible only on Mac that is running standard HDD, this seems not affect SSD drives - my Macbook Air do not suffer from this - probably issue is still there but since SSD have performance from different planet compared to old HDD - you just don’t feel it.
Solution trouvée : 
#sudo sysctl -w
C'est la gestion de bande passante, qui joue des tours en mode terminal. Un bogue de Mavericks.