Spn GEM4.8.lts12 : Différence entre versions

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
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m (1) Controlling nudging strength according to wave length)
m (1) Controlling nudging strength according to wave length)
Ligne 57: Ligne 57:
There are two parameters to define which wave lengths should get nudged:
There are two parameters to define which wave lengths should get nudged:
    Spn_cutoff_scale_small : The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km, default: 100.)
&nbsp; &nbsp; '''Spn_cutoff_scale_small''' : The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km, default: 100.)<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; Spn_cutoff_scale_large : The filter will be set 1.0  for larger  scales (in km, default: 300.)
&nbsp; &nbsp; '''Spn_cutoff_scale_large''' : The filter will be set 1.0  for larger  scales (in km, default: 300.)
Between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large the filter will have a 'COS2' or 'linear' transition, as described by the parameter 'Spn_trans_shape_S' - see below.
Between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large the filter will have a 'COS2' or 'linear' transition, as described by the parameter 'Spn_trans_shape_S' - see below.

Version depuis le 23 de janvier 2019 à 17:41

Spectral nudging parameters for GEM4.8.lts12


Driving data: ERA5, 0.3 degrees

 Grd_ni     = 180      , Grd_nj    = 144
 Grd_dx     = 0.11     , Grd_dy    = 0.11
 Spn_nudging_S = 'UV'
 Spn_start_lev = 0.85
 Spn_up_const_lev = 0.0
 Spn_trans_shape_S = 'LINEAR'
 Spn_relax_hours = 24.
 Spn_weight_L = .false.

See description of parameters below.

Grid size restrictions

To be able to use spectral nudging in GEM4, the core grid needs to match the FFT criteria in x- and y-direction. You can use 'findfft' to get the possible values to set 'Grd_ni' and 'Grd_nj' in your gem_settings.nml. (You need to set the model environment first to have access to 'find'fft'.)
For example:

    findfft -min 100 -max 200

Your 'Grd_ni' and 'Grd_nj' will then have to be set to one of the values findfft is listing.
If your grid is smaller than 100 points or larger than 200 points, just set '-min' and '-max' accordingly.

Activate spectral nudging in GEM4

To activate spectral nudging in GEM4 one has to set several parameters in the file 'gem_settings.nml' in the namelist 'gem_cfgs'.

Fields to nudge

In GEM4 one has the option of nudging u-wind, v-wind, and/or temperature.
Tests have shown that it is sufficient to nudge u-wind and v-wind and that nudging the temperature as well does not change much the results. Therefore I suggest to set:

    Spn_nudging_S = 'UV'     ,

One needs to set this parameter to switch the spectral nudging on!

Control the strength of the spectral nudging

There are 3 aspects controlling the strength of the spectral nudging which will all get applied at each time step, one after the other:

  1. a filter in spectral space (horizontal)
  2. the shape of the vertical profile
  3. the intensity of nudging applied at each time step

1) Controlling nudging strength according to wave length

There are two parameters to define which wave lengths should get nudged:

    Spn_cutoff_scale_small : The filter will be set zero for smaller scales (in km, default: 100.)
    Spn_cutoff_scale_large : The filter will be set 1.0 for larger scales (in km, default: 300.)

Between Spn_cutoff_scale_small and Spn_cutoff_scale_large the filter will have a 'COS2' or 'linear' transition, as described by the parameter 'Spn_trans_shape_S' - see below.

This is the wavelength at which equal weight is given to the driving data and the RCM solution. For longer wavelengths more weight is given to the driving data, for shorter wavelengths more weight is given to the RCM. A recommended value is about 10 or 15 times the grid point size of the driving data. The half response wavelength needs to be given in kilometers.

For example set:

    Lam_spn_half_respon = 1000.  ,

The default is 1177.


2) Controlling the vertical profile

There are 3 parameters to control the nudging profile:

    Lam_spn_up_const_lev    : above this level (in hybrid values) the profile is set to 1, to full strength nudging (default 0., model top).
    Lam_spn_start_lev           : below this level (in hybrid values) the profile is set to 0, no nudging (default 1., surface).
    Lam_spn_trans_shape_S : Between these two hybrid levels the profile goes from 0 to 1. Either linearly ('LINEAR') (default) or with a cos2 ('COS2') function.

For example set:

    Lam_spn_up_const_lev   = 0.           ,
    Lam_spn_start_lev         = 0.5         ,
    Lam_spn_trans_shape_S = 'LINEAR' ,


3) Controlling the strength

The spectral nudging gets applied at each time step. The difference between RCM and driving data gets calculated (for different wave lengths) and with that an increment, by which the model results would need to get nudged to match the driving data. But this increment is usually not fully applied, but only a fraction of it. Since the idea is to "nudge" the large scales of the model towards the ones of the driving data and not to impose them.

To control how strongly the model is nudged, one does not say "I want to apply n% of this increment", but one rather says "I want this increment to be applied over h hours". So if, for example, one wants to apply only 5% of the increment and the model time step is 30 minutes, the time needed to apply this increment fully (if applied at each time step) would be 10 hours. So in this case one would set:

    Lam_spn_relax_hours = 10. ,

10 is also the default value.

Then launch your simulation as usual.