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Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
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m (SSH)
m (SSH)
Ligne 5: Ligne 5:
  A Venir / Work in progress
  A Venir / Work in progress
== SSH ==
== SSH ==
[ access to UQAM through the gateway system]
  [ ssh client configuration]
  [ ssh client configuration]
  A Venir / Work in progress
  A Venir / Work in progress

Version depuis le 29 d'avril 2020 à 20:26

A Venir / Work in progress


A Venir / Work in progress


access to UQAM through the gateway system
ssh client configuration
A Venir / Work in progress

Matlab à distance

The fastest way to execute a Matlab script is to not open any windows:

1) Write the Matlab script either on the UQAM servers with 'vi' or 'vim', or, if you are not comfortable with these, you can also write the script on your local computer and copy it on the servers to execute it there.

2) Execute Matlab script without opening any windows
a) Make sure your Matlab script does not open any windows. Add for example ('visible','off') to the 'figure' command:

   f = figure('visible','off');

b) Run your Matlab script without opening any windows.
Assuming your Matlab script is called 'mplot.m', execute:

   matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nojvm -r "mplot;quit;"

You need to omit the '.m' extension of your script in the call!

If you have any problems/corrections/suggestions, please, send me an email:

python à distance

The fastest way to execute a Python script is to not open any windows:

1) Write the Python script either on the UQAM servers with 'vi' or 'vim', or, if you are not comfortable with these, you can also write the script on your local computer and copy it on the servers to execute it there.

2) Execute Python script with

   python scriptname

Jupyter (python) à distance

A Venir / Work in progress

Spyder (python) à distance

A Venir / Work in progress
condamné à être lent et pénible!!!