Gemclim old libraries

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 14 de mai 2014 à 13:39 par Katja (Discuter | changes)
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When creating an executable using the old libraries, the name of the executable created will be different and needs to be changed to the usual name afterwards.
Or you create a link before hand:

    ln -s maingemclimdm_Linux_x86-64_3.3.3.1.Abs maingemclim_p64dm_Linux_x86-64_3.3.3.1.Abs
    ln -s maingemclimntr_Linux_x86-64_3.3.3.1.Abs maingemclim_p64ntr_Linux_x86-64_3.3.3.1.Abs

To use the old model libraries (the ones we used on phase1) build your executables with:

    make RMN=rmn_013 MODEL=gemclim_p64 PHY="phy_p64 class_p64" gemclimdm
    make RMN=rmn_013 MODEL=gemclim_p64 PHY="phy_p64 class_p64" gemclimntr

Instead of just using
    make gemclim
    make gemclimntr
    make gemclimdm