GEM 4.8.LTS usage

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 20 d'août 2019 à 17:37 par Michel (Discuter | changes)
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GEM 4.8.LTS ===== how to get access to the software =

. GEM/x/4.8.lts12     #  publicly available version,as released by Environment Canada

. GEM/x/4.8.lts12.u   #  UQAM version, also includes sps

NOTE: environment variable storage_model MUST be defined and point to usable disk storage
this should work on guillimin as well as on systems at UQAM (servers and workstations)

how to create a 'vanilla' model executable

mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
make dep
make gemdm

how to create a modified model executable

mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
make dep
# add my own code 
vi blah_blah.F90
# get a source file from the GEM installation
rde co rdrstrt.F90
make dep
make obj
make gemdm

how to create a 'coupled with nemo' model executable

mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
make dep
make dep
make obj
make gemdm

how to run one of the demo configurations

mkdir my_directory
cd my_directory
get_gem_demo_configs -f   # get available set names
get_gem_demo_configs  THE_SET_DESIRED
# tune GEM_ptopo=
# point GEM_xfer= to an existent location
# to run interactively
Um_lance . -BACKEND_nosubmit 2>&1 | tee listings_S.txt
./*_M  2>&1 | tee listings_M.txt
# these runs are usually very short
# to run in batch
# and find the listings in the usual places

environment and make variables