Troubleshooting 333

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 17 de février 2012 à 19:18 par Katja (Discuter | changes)
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Troubleshooting v_3.3.3

Restart from a previous restart file

First you need to copy the restart file(s) from which you want to continue (previous month) in the execution directory:


Then 'gunzip' and afterwards unarchive ('cmcarc -x -f') your restart file(s).

If you only want to rerun one or a few months in the middle of a simulation I suggest you create a new directory and copy the original config files in it.
Then you should set 'CLIMAT_enddate' to the date until which you want to rerun. But NEVER change 'CLIMAT_startdate'.
You can do this while the original simulation is still running.

Then go into your (new) config file directory.

Restart using Chunk_lance

cp last_continue_with_next_job continue_with_next_job

last line in chunk_job.log:

... continue_with_next_job $exp starting at ...

And be careful NOT to have a blank line at the end of the file!


Restart from another simulation

Restart the post processing

It sometimes happens that you do not get all the model output in your archive.
If you are missing output for one month it is best to have a look at the listings for that month which are mostly still in ~/listings/${TRUE_HOST}.

If your post processing crashed you should first find out what went wrong.
The best way to see what went wrong is to have a look at the listings which are (mostly still) in ~/listings/${TRUE_HOST}.
Click here for a flowchart of the listings.

Once you found out which job/listing stopped/crashed you can usually find the