Set up model environment

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 18 de juin 2020 à 18:56 par Katja (Discuter | changes)
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Set up the model environment

You have to do this only once.
But before you set up the model environment on Compute Canada clusters, make sure you have set up the SSM environment. If you have not done this already, click here for instructions.
On the UQAM servers this has already been done during the creation of your account.

Set up the model environment:

  1. Allow 'ssh $TRUE_HOST' without typing password:
        cd ~/.ssh
        If the directory ~/.ssh does not exist execute the command:
            ssh localhost
        type in your password and once you are connected 'exit' again. You should now have the directory ~/.ssh.
    Only if there is no(!) file '' create it with:
       ssh-keygen         (press just 'Enter' whenever asked a question, 3 times)
        cat >> authorized_keys

    chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  2. Add keys to your ~/.ssh/config to not get kicked out from a session:

    cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
    ForwardX11 no

    chmod 644 ~/.ssh/config

  3. Create a "host" with the name of the Compute Canada machine you are working on, pointing to 'localhost'
    For example for Beluga create the following entry in your ~/.ssh/config (put lower case names):

    cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
    Host beluga
    Hostname localhost

  4. Set ‘umask 022’
    On newer Compute Canada clusters, like Cedar and Beluga, by default, everybody within the same group can modify and remove your data under the project space. To prevent this from happening set:
        umask 022
    If you did step 1) above, this command will already be in your ~/.profile.d/.group_profile but you should add it to your file:
    Create the file if you do not have it.

  5. Set the core allocation name you want to use
    Create a file in your HOME called:
    This file has to contain the project name under which you want to run, nothing else. For users having their account via:
        René Laprise or Julie Theriault this is:
        Francesco Pausata this is:
    For example:
        $ cat ~/.Account

  6. Create “storage_model
    When creating your executables the object files, extracted decks and executables will be put in a directory called ${storage_model}. A link will automatically be added to this place from the directory in which you create the executables.
    The variable “storage_model“ must be set to a directory in which you have space (therefore not under your home). Because of the small quota for the number of files under the project spaces and because these files are rather small, set this variable to a place under the default (def-professor) space. For example:
        export storage_model=~/projects/def-professor/${USER}/Storage_Model
    You need to replace ‘professor’ by the name of you professor.
    You will then also have to create this directory:
        mkdir -p ~/projects/def-professor/${USER}/Storage_Model
    You actually need to export the variable “storage_model“ in your two profiles:
    Then you need to create a symbolic link:
        ln -s ~/.profile.d/.batch_profile ~/.profile.d/.ssh_profile

  7. Create directories for running CRCM5:
    Create the following directories/links in your home which must be links to a place outside your home:
    Unfortunately, the quota for the number of files of the project spaces on Beluga is very small. Therefore, please, link these two directories to your scratch space:
        mkdir -p /scratch/${USER}/EXECDIR ~/MODEL_EXEC_RUN
        ln -s /scratch/${USER}/EXECDIR ~/MODEL_EXEC_RUN/${TRUE_HOST}
        mkdir -p /scratch/${USER}/Listings ~/listings
        ln -s /scratch/${USER}/Listings ~/listings/${TRUE_HOST}
    Since this is “scratch” space, all files in the above directories will get deleted. Read more about Compute Canada’s scratch policy on the web: