Environnement Commun Linux

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 16 de novembre 2011 à 21:23 par Michel (Discuter | changes)
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en construction(cette page s'adresse principalement aux développeurs)

under construction(this page is mainly for developers)

  • Useful environment variables
    • PATH : colon ':' separated list of directories where executables or sourced (.) shell includes are to be found
    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH : colon ':' separated list of directories where dynamic libraries (.so files) needed by executables can be found
    • EC_LD_LIBRARY_PATH : colon ':' separated list of directories where s.compile, s.f90  et al. will look for libraries
    • EC_INCLUDE_PATH : colon ':' separated list of directories where s.compile, s.f90  et al. will look for include files
    • BASE_ARCH : name of the hardware architecture of the machine
    • EC_ARCH : name of the hardware+software architecture of the machine (BASE_ARCH + compiler usually)
  • Useful information about system
    • /proc/cpuinfo : pseudo file containing a full description of logical cpus in a linux system (cat/less/more)
  • x
    • xx