Getting started
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under construction(this page is mainly for developers) |
Start running CRCM5 in new environment
The "new environment" is build on SSM, Simple Software Management.
This means one now subscribes to domaines and packages using to aquire access to certain directories, scripts, binaries, etc. In general the will add directories to your $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc and set some environment variables.
For interactive sessions I find the following packages very useful: diagtools, difftools, runtools, vistools, fulldev
But first you will have to do the little "setup" below, then you can subscribe to one or more of these packages by typing for example:
. diagtools difftools runtools vistools fulldev
I added this line to my .interactive_profile (see below).
Setup to use new environment
To use the new environment you will first (and only once) have to do a little "setup":
- Create two links in your HOME:
ln -fs ~winger/ssm-domains/setup/v_001 ECssm
ln -fs ECssm/dot-profile-setup_1.0_multi/bin/.profile
Change the name of two files (or remove them):
mv .bash_profile .bash_profile-
mv .bashrc .bashrc-
Log out and back in. - There is no .profile_usr anymore. It got replaced by several .something_profile files which all have to reside in your HOME in a directory called '.profile.d'.
Have a look at my .profile.d:
ls -al ~winger/.profile.d
I suggest you link to the same group profiles I link to:
cd ~/.profile.d
ln -s ~winger/.published_profile.d/.group_profile
ln -s ~winger/.published_profile.d/.group0_profile
This will give you some basic aliases I find quite useful. Have a look at them if you like.
Your own personal aliases, exports, etc. for interactive use will go into the file
which you will have to create.
Then you either log out and back in again or source the new .profiles. - Allow 'ssh $TRUE_HOST' without typing password:
cd ~/.ssh
Only if there is no(!) file '' create it with:
ssh-keygen (press just 'Enter' whenever asked a question, 3 times)
cat >> authorized_keys2 - Create directories for running CRCM5.
Create directory/link for the execution directory (where the model will be running):
mkdir -p /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/EXECDIR
ln -s /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/EXECDIR localhost
ln -s /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/EXECDIR guillimin
Create directory/link for the listings:
mkdir ~/listings
cd ~/listings
mkdir -p /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/Listings
ln -s /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/Listings localhost
ln -s /lb/project/xgk-345-ab/${USER}/Listings guillimin - Open your HOME to the world
If you do want my or other help I suggest you open your HOME to the world:
chmod 755 /home/$USER