SPS 1.1.0 install
SPS 1.1.0
how to access the software
- environments
- gfortran 4.9
work in progress
vgriddescriptors 5.0.3
modelutils 1.2.4
rpnphy 5.6.4
. s.ssmuse.dot appropriate_development_environment . s.ssmuse.dot fulldev-ifort15 (guillimin) . s.ssmuse.dot fulldev-ifort14 (guillimin) . s.ssmuse.dot fulldev-gfortran-4.9 (guillimin) . s.ssmuse.dot fulldev-gcc-49 (st/skynet/beluga/workstations) mkdir domain_for_sps_1.1.0 cd domain_for_sps_1.1.0 /unique/armnssm/ECssm/ssm-domains-base/atm/SPS/v_1.1.0_gfortran49 (st/skynet/beluga/workstations) s.ssm-creat -D -r /unique/armnssm/ECssm/ssm-domains-base/repository printf "\nhttp://scaweb.sca.uqam.ca/armnlib/repository/" >>etc/ssm.d/sources.list s.ssm-install vgriddescriptors_5.0.3_multi -y cd vgriddescriptors_5.0.3_multi/src/lib make lib cd ../../.. fix the bundles, especially sps_1.1.0_architecture-bndl.sh that will define environment variable ATM_MODEL_BNDL s.ssm-publish vgriddescriptors_5.0.3_multi -y . s.ssmuse.dot ${ATM_MODEL_BNDL}-dev s.locate --lib descrip libdescrip.a should be found cd where_the_sps_source_is cd modelutils ls -l include/$EC_ARCH it should look like: lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 19 Oct 18 10:32 arch_specific.hf -> ../arch_specific.hf -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 249 Oct 20 08:30 Makefile.comp.mk if not, fix this before going on export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd -P)/bin make allabs VERSION=1.2.4 && make force_allssmpkgs VERSION=1.2.4 cd domain_for_sps_1.1.0 ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p modelutils_1.2.4_all -y s.ssm-publish modelutils_1.2.4_all -y ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p modelutils_1.2.4_linux26-x86-64 -y s.ssm-publish modelutils_1.2.4_linux26-x86-64 -y . s.ssmuse.dot ${ATM_MODEL_BNDL}-dev s.locate --lib modelutils libmodelutils.a should be found cd where_the_sps_source_is cd rpnphy make allabs VERSION=5.6.4 && make force_allssmpkgs VERSION=5.6.4 cd domain_for_sps_1.1.0 ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p rpnphy_5.6.4_all -y s.ssm-publish rpnphy_5.6.4_all -y ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p rpnphy_5.6.4_linux26-x86-64 -y s.ssm-publish rpnphy_5.6.4_linux26-x86-64 -y . s.ssmuse.dot ${ATM_MODEL_BNDL}-dev s.locate --lib rpnphy librpnphy.a should be found cd where_the_sps_source_is cd sps make allabs VERSION=1.1.0 && make force_allssmpkgs VERSION=1.1.0 cd domain_for_sps_1.1.0 ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p sps_1.1.0_all -y s.ssm-publish sps_1.1.0_all -y ssm install -u $HOME/SsmDepot -d $(pwd -P) -p sps_1.1.0_linux26-x86-64 -y s.ssm-publish sps_1.1.0_linux26-x86-64 -y . s.ssmuse.dot ${ATM_MODEL_BNDL}-dev s.locate --lib sps libsps.a should be found