Superjobs guillimin

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
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A "superjob" is a job which runs on one of the normal queues and executes other jobs, which got submitted to a faked queue, one after the other.

NEVER KILL A SUPERJOB !!! See below for mor information.

How to start a "superjob"

The command to submit a superjob is "u.run_work_stream":

  u.run_work_stream [-instances n] -t mseconds -cpus number_of_cpus -name stream_name -maxidle nseconds -queues q1 q2 ... qn [--] "arguments_for_ord_soumet"

  Arguments_for_ord_soumet may include -q, -jn, and any other relevant argument

Submission example:

  u.run_work_stream -t 2592000 -cpus 1 -name superjob_1a -maxidle 36000 -queues sj1 -- -q sw -jn superjob_1a

In this case a superjob with the name superjob_1 will get submitted.
'-name' is the interlan name of the superjob, '-jn' the name of the listing.
For simplicity I suggest to keep the two names the same.
Make sure to NEVER HAVE TWO SUPERJOBS WITH THE SAME NAME running. But once a superjob has finished you can submit a new one with the same name.

The superjob will get submitted for '-t' 2592000 seconds (30 days) on '-cpus'1 cpu to the queue '-q' sw.