Installation Environnement Commun

Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
Version depuis le 28 de janvier 2013 à 12:55 par Michel (Discuter | changes)
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en construction(cette page s'adresse aux installateurs/développeurs)

under construction(this page is for installers/developers)

  • Get installer from the software depot
    use your browser to get the most recent installer bootstrap script
    INSTALL_BOOTSTRAP-8.11.002 (as of writing this documentation)
    into your UNIX/Linux HOME
    make sure there is no directory called ECssm in your HOME
    make sure that there is an empty directory or a link to an empty directory called ssm-domains-base in your HOME
    (it is not necessary but usually a good idea to dedicate an account to EC environment maintenance)
  • Run installer
    chmod 755 INSTALL_BOOTSTRAP-8.11.002
    ssh localhost ./INSTALL_BOOTSTRAP-8.11.002
  • Prepare your account setup
    get rid of (remove, rename, move, ...) .bashrc, .profile and .bash_profile
    ln -s ECssm/multi/bin/.profile .profile
    the installer should have created a soft link called ECssm pointing to the right place
  • logout and login again (with setup this time)
    you should now see the welcoming setup messages
  • Configure compilers (needed for any development work)
  • Generate librmn_xxx.a (needed for any development work)
  • Configure MPI (needed for EC model work )
  • Generate the rpn_comm MPI model toolkit library (needed for EC model work )