
Un article de Informaticiens département des sciences de la Terre et l'atmosphère
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Installing with pip

To installp py2app using pip, or to upgrade to the latest released version of py2app:
$ pip install -U py2app ==
If you install into a system installation of Python you might need additional privileges, you can use the sudo commando to get those:
$ sudo pip install -U py2app

Installing with easy_install

To install py2app using easy_install you must make sure you have a recent version of distribute installed (as of this writing, 0.6b4 or later):
$ curl -O
$ python -U distribute

'To install or upgrade to the latest released version of py2app:'

$ easy_install -U py2app

If you install into a system installation of Python you might need additional privileges, you can use the sudo commando to get those:'

$ sudo easy_install -U py2app

' Installing from source

 To install py2app from source, simply use the normal procedure for installing any Python package. Since py2app uses distribute, all dependencies (including distribute itself) will be automatically acquired and installed for you as appropriate:

$ python install

If you’re using a svn checkout, it’s recommended to use the distribute develop command, which will simply activate py2app directly from your source directory. This way you can do a svn up or make changes to the source code without re-installing every time:
$ python develop
Upgrade Notes
The template has changed slightly in py2app 0.3 in order to accommodate the enhancements brought on by distribute. Old scripts look like this:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2app
New py2app scripts should look like this:
from setuptools import setup